Sunday, July 30, 2017


Never thought about it, but this is good.

Attack Squirrels

You just never know what the next threat is going to be!


Every once in awhile while I'm surfing around the net I come across a photo that is just weird in the extreme.  This is one of those...


I've been watching the ridiculous comments about the issue of transgender acceptance in the military. It's really quite amazing.  So here's the short history.  Last year in his effort to remake the military by social experimentation, Obama opened up the ranks to transgender people.  I guess he thought it was akin to accepting black people or gay people.  It's not.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that anyone who is going through this kind of experience has significant physical and emotional challenges.  They will need extensive surgery, continuing medical care, ongoing drug administration, and psychological counseling that will probably never end.  Of course, a guy like Obama and his sycophants would never get that someone with those kinds of problems should not be remotely qualified for military service.  That's because, like a lot of things he mandated, he had no experience in real life so he could cavalierly make an edit that dramatically impacts the millions currently serving.

But a guy like me telling it like it is makes no difference.  A guy like me trying to explain the realities of military service and the incompatability of someone going thru a sexual transition will be written off as another old guy not in tune with the times.  That's okay.  Because there are others with a better way of expressing themselves who can explain far better than me. You can read a great blog post about this issue here.  Andy has captured the dynamic of the issue far better than I ever could.  Let me just say that I associate myself with his remarks to an extreme degree.

As I've said over on FB as I shared his post, it's not about discrimination.  If people want to change sexes, have at it.  I don't understand it, but have at it.  I still maintain that some are committed and some are not.  Unless we're talking surgery, we're talking dress up.  But like I said, knock yourself out.  Do what you want.  Just don't try and say it's normal.  Don't try and say there is no impact to other aspects of life.  And don't think you can upset what is a balance of action in the military.  Because you're talking about the defense of the nation.  And that's nothing to be taken lightly.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

I try to be moderate in most things.  I'm not a rabid partisan for most politicians or causes.  I guess the exception was Hilary.  I was strongly and unalterably opposed to her as our President.  I've detailed the reasons over the last year or so and don't need to regurgitate it all here.  But for the most part I try and see both sides and advocate for what I believe is in the best interests of the country and the population as a whole.  

I've not been a never-Trumper nor a member of the resistance.  Like Obama, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and give him a chance to produce.  My assessment after six months is that he's done some good things, some bad things, has been slow off the mark on several things, and still has a ton of stuff to work on if he's going to live up to the hype and have a chance at reelection.  But there are several major issues that continue to flummox him and if they continue, his chances of success are greatly diminished.  First is the all-out, never-ending disdain and antipathy of the press.  They are clearly out to get him and are doing a good job.  They can use "anonymous sources" and get away with anything and accuse him and his administration of anything.  Second is the rock-solid block from Democrats to anything Trump.  Maybe they can't beat him, but they can sure slow him down and make him look ineffective.  Third are leaks.  I don't know what's being done about them, but it appears not much.  If he doesn't get a handle on leaks, they will continue to trip him up.  There are others but finally, and probably most importantly, he is his own worst enemy.  Every time he starts to get momentum he shoots himself in the foot with an ill-advised tweet or comment.  It's maddening for those of us who would like for some of his initiatives to get implemented.  

Which brings me to a strong reading recommendation.  I'm a big fan of National Review.  I think their writing is mostly conservative but the writers there usually will call a spade a spade.  They will agree when appropriate and call someone out when appropriate.  I particularly like Jonah Goldberg.  His writing is smart, clever, and usually something I really resonate with.  He has a Friday column called "The G File" that is well worth reading.  You can subscribe on their website.  This week's column is just totally spot on from my perspective.  You can read it here.  You're welcome!


Sorry...I just can't help myself.  But on the other hand, this is prety true...

Conference Call Bingo

A friend posted this over on FB.  If you've ever been in a company that does a lot of conference calls with folks from various places, you'll get this.  And think it's pretty funny!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Epic Fail

You know what I'm talking about.  That the Republicans can't get anything done on repealing and replacing Obamacare despite the promises of the last 8 years is nothing short of unbelievable.  I won't list or debate the merits of all the options and alternatives because not being able to get this done overshadows whatever might be in the final bill.  They have to be embarrassed and ashamed.  Oh wait...what am I thinking?  They are politicians.  They clearly don't give a shit.

Choosing health care as the signature issue to fight for was as just stupid.  They had to know this was going to happen.  In their dark little secret place, they had to know that this was going to happen. These assholes talk about doing their best for "the American people".  Please.  They don't give a shit about the American people.  And anyway, when we talk about this health care issue, we're only talking about 20 or 30 million people.  Not small by any means, but not a huge number of people.  They act as though this is something that if it doesn't get done it will impact every living, breathing American.  Once again...bullshit.

So now I think we have come to a point in the country that there are really 4 main political parties.   There are the conservative Republicans.  There are the moderate to liberal Republicans.  There are the traditional progressive liberal Democrats and the far left Bernie Democrat Socialists.  Of course there are few others like the Libertarians but they are usually pretty small groups.  So each of the Congressmen or Congresswomen or Senators identifying with one of those groups.   Instead of having to deal with and compromise between two factions, we now have four.  That is damn near impossible.  There are two things that motivate most of these assholes on capital hill.  I bet you thought I was going to say power and influence, or some such nonsense.  No...what motivates them is anything that might hamper their ability to get reelected and the money they need to get reelected.  It has become nauseating to listen to them bloviate on and on and on when they get a microphone stuck in their face.  So I no longer listen.  These guys are assholes!

All I've got to say is that they better get something done on infrastructure and tax reform, or they are dead meat.  People are pissed now because the Republicans are so stupid, but they'll be really pissed if they are unable to get one thing done.

The media (another bunch of assholes) have said blamed Trump for not trying hard enough to influence Congress.  That is clearly bullshit.  He has cajoled, met with them, compromised, wined and dined and everything short of begging and they have essentially flipped him off.  So if I were him I'd walk away.  Let them fend for themselves.  Get what you can done, done.  Don't aim too high because you now know you're dealing with a bunch of spineless assholes.  And it doesn't look like it's going to get any better.

Monday, July 17, 2017

The Passion of Sports Fans

Never underestimate the incredible power of sports to raise unbelievable passions.  Check this out.

Of course, this should be tempered in case you live in San Diego.  Since the Judas's left, it's been sorta blah...

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Cultural Implosion?

Okay, so I couldn't stay away.  Too much going on.  Too many things to comment on.

Like everyone I've been watching the latest revelations about the Trump campaign meetings with the Russian lawyer.  At first I (like many) thought it was probably much ado about nothing.  Then I thought it was just the kid making a pretty big screw up.  And then as more details dripped out (memo to politicians...get it all out fast.  Bad news doesn't get better with age) it became obvious that there was at least an attitude that if we can get dirt on Hillary by any means, even from a foreign government, then that's okay.  Well...that's not okay.  In fact it's a pretty big not okay.

And here's what happens when a screw up this blatant comes to light.  At least for me it's what happens.  I start to look at other things and question other things.  For a long time now Trump has been touting accomplishments, statistics, that he's making America great again, blah, blah, blah.  And it's obviously a lot of bullshit.  I mean, there are some good things that have occurred, but I don't remotely believe that there have been dramatic accomplishments and turnarounds.  And I don't think many others believe that either.  Trump's credibility is wearing thin.  Simple as that.  After six months it seems that he believes that if he says it, it must be believed.  There are a hard-core of supporters who will believe him because they hate the other side.  But I think the country is still mostly in the middle.  And they will only believe so much.  There is a good blog article in National Review this week by Jonah Goldberg, a pretty serious and smart writer who is no liberal, who lays it out pretty well.  You can read it here.  Here's my favorite bottom line quote:
"Trump’s more-credible defenders certainly may be right that this is all the result of ineptitude and amateurishness. These guys are like a mix between Ron Jeremy and a yoga master in their ability to step on their own johnsons."
There is another piece that you should check out from Frank Bruni of the NYT.  I know, I know...NYT.  But I find Frank to be among the few writers in the MSM who I can usually find something to agree with.  Check out his article about "Six Long Months of President Trump" here.  I don't agree with much in the article but I think he does point out how corrosive we've all become.  And a large part of the blame lies at Trump's feet.  There is little doubt about that.

And it you look at Congress, you're just nothing but depressed.  They can get nothing done.  They aren't interested in compromise and accomplishments for the people.  They only have self-interest.  They mostly just spout platitudes and bullshit.  They can't fix a broken health care system for poor people because they are too self-absorbed.  This even when both sides say a fix is needed.  If they can't do this, can they ever get to tax reform, which is so much more important for the country as a whole?  I'm having my doubts.  And I think most people think the same thing.  So both the Executive branch and the Legislative branch are severely broken.  Severely.

A third article caught my attention this week.  Jamie Dimon, the CEO of J.P. Morgan offered some really honest comments at an earnings call and WSJ had a short writeup about it.  I'm going to paste the whole thing because it's short and pretty good.  And it hits the nail on the head.
Jamie Dimon Goes Off
The J.P. Morgan CEO savages Washington’s anti-growth culture.By The Editorial Board
Jamie Dimon sure knows how to liven up an earnings call. While reporting quarterly results on Friday, the J.P. Morgan Chase CEO let loose with a high-quality harangue against the political class and Washington gridlock that drives down economic growth and hurts the people at the bottom of the income ladder.
“Since the Great Recession, which is now eight years old, we’ve been growing at 1.5% to 2% in spite of stupidity and political gridlock,” said the dean of Wall Street CEOs, who was just warming up. “We are unable to build bridges, we’re unable to build airports, our inner city school kids are not graduating.”
“I was just in France, I was recently in Argentina, I was in Israel, I was in Ireland. We met with the prime minister of India and China. It’s amazing to me that every single one of those countries understands that practical policies to promote business and growth is good for the average citizens of those countries, for jobs and wages, and that somehow this great American free enterprise system, we no longer get it.”
The banker who was once a target of Obama regulators must feel liberated because he even dared to defend tax cuts for business: “Corporate taxation is critical to that, by the way. We’ve been driving capital earnings overseas, which is why there’s $2 trillion overseas benefiting all these other countries and stuff like that. So if we don’t get our act together—we can still grow.”
Tell us how you really feel, Jamie: “I don’t buy the argument that we’re relegated to this forever. We’re not. If this administration can make breakthroughs in taxes and infrastructure, regulatory reform—we have become one of the most bureaucratic, confusing, litigious societies on the planet.
“It’s almost an embarrassment being an American citizen traveling around the world and listening to the stupid s— we have to deal with in this country. And at one point we all have to get our act together or we won’t do what we’re supposed to [do] for the average Americans.
“And unfortunately people write about this saying like it’s for corporations. It’s not for corporations. Competitive taxes are important for business and business growth, which is important for jobs and wage growth. And honestly we should be ringing that alarm bell, every single one of you, every time you talk to a client.”
Mr. Dimon has said he’s a Democrat, and some of his friends say he might be looking to run for President. If Republicans can’t rally the nerve to pass their agenda, he might find a receptive constituency.
So as I look around there is huge reason for despair.  But here's the bottom line for me.  Even with the craziness, even with the corruption and hyper-partisanship, even with the lack of progress, there are reasons for optimism.  I think Trump has done pretty well on the international front.  That is an area fraught with danger, but so far he's doing okay.  I see some flashes of brilliance in his actions.  So far those things have been obscured by some crazy tweet or outlandish claim.  If he can steady the ship, then maybe he's got a chance to accomplish some things.  I don't necessarily think he will do that, but one can always hope.  His Supreme Court appointment was great and there's reason to believe that future appointments will be as well.

And the real, incredibly important bottom-line.  Hillary the criminal is not President.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

On a Break

I haven't been posting much lately.  Too much going on.  Too many distractions.  I become frustrated by some useful idiot and by the time I get around to commenting, someone else has come along that has usurped the previous idiot.  It's just all so tiresome.  So I'm taking a break.  Don't know when or if I'll be back.  I'll leave the blog open so you can continue to check the blog roll if you're interested.  Or not.  As is always the case, up to you.  But for now...I'm on a break.