Thursday, February 21, 2019


Don't know why I'm sharing this other than it's a pretty humongous snowman.  And pretty cool.  And I wonder how they got the face on.  Could be slippery!

EBay Saves the Day!

This is a pretty hearwarming story.  You're welcome!

What Day Is It?

Our hotel in Hong Kong used this tactic to let everyone know what day it is.  Every night they changed the rug in the elevators.  At first we thought is was pretty strange but if you think about it, most people in the hotel were traveling from great distances and could be confused.  This is pretty clever and actually very clever.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Scouts BSA is not Boy Scouts

I read about the integration of girls into the Boy Scouts several months ago with disappointment.  I really don't see why girls would want to be in Boy Scouts.  And the article below from a local magazine indicates that the troops won't be co-ed but rather remain single sex troops.  So this really has me scratching my head.  Why do it?  There are precious few places that boys and girls can get the kind of training and life experiences that they can get in the scouts and now the integration isn't really integration?  Why not just stay Girl Scouts, who by the way should be royally pissed at this initiative.    And now that we see there is no integration, they should be even more pissed.  Like I said, I don't get it.  I guess some people just can't leave well enough alone.
Boy Scouts, recently rebranded to Scouts BSA, is forming new all-girls troops throughout the country, including Troop 1667 here in Rancho Peñasquitos. The troop is sponsored by St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, as is its partner boys’ troop, Troop 667. It is one of four all-girls troops forming in North County so far.
“I want to help start this troop to be able to offer my twin daughter and son each the same opportunities in Scouts BSA,” said XXXXXXX, Troop 1667 Scoutmaster. Her son, XXXXX is bridging over from Cub Scouts to Troop 667, as XXXXX is to Troop 1667. “The excitement and energy these girls have is amazing!”
Each Scouts BSA troop will consist of girls or boys, but troops will not be co-ed. Boy troops and girl troops may occasionally attend special activities together, but each troop will meet separately and work toward achievements in a single-gender environment.


This looks like a place I couls spend a few days!