Sunday, October 7, 2012

And we're off...

So I've been thinking about starting a blog for a long time.  After all, there are plenty of blogs out there in the blogosphere and it is a terrific way to share thoughts, dreams, ideas, places, etc.  You get the idea.  But...I just wasn't sure that anyone would read it.  I mean, who am I??  Literally, why would anyone care.  But then I what.  I'll write.  Others can read.  Or not.  It's not up to me.  It's up to you.  So now if there is anyone still reading, you will be thinking, this guy needs to get to the point.

So why Mike's At The Beach?  Well, for one thing I was born, raised and lived most of my life in So Cal and have frequented the beach scene from the days of Annette to today.  I have worked in traditional jobs my whole life but have always joked and fantasized about opening a little shack at the beach to rent surfboards and sell hot dogs and call it "Mike's at the Beach".  But that is not to be.  So maybe this blog will remind me a bit of an idyllic fantasy.'s as good a name as any.

I'm a baby-boomer.  That says a lot.  I've spent a lot of years doing a lot of things and I have opinions about a ton of stuff.  My family would agree.  So why not share my opinions?  See if anyone else agrees.  See if there are like-minded folks who can share ideas.  Let people know what I'm doing because I do some cool stuff and others might like to try them.

But even though I'm a baby-boomer, I'm difficult to pigeon hole into one category.  I'm conservative on some things, liberal on others.  I'm socially aware.  But I don't always agree with the conventional wisdom.  I'm sympathetic to the green movement.  But I don't always agree with everything they say.  I live and let live.  But I believe in personal responsibility.  I'm a product of my environment.  But I surprise myself by taking the other side of some issues that would seem to be obvious.  I love physical activity in many forms.  I'm in pretty good shape.  I bike, golf, workout, take long walks, etc.  But then again I like to indulge in a delicious meal and a good libation, so my weight is always a battle.  Especially since rocky road ice cream is a weakness.  I'm a bit of a sports nut.  I love watching the Chargers and Padres.  So that may indicate that I'm really a frustrated sports nut.  But I keep cheering.  I have all kinds of other teams I root for.  But there is no rhyme or reason as to who I like.  It's pretty much just instinctual.

So what will you find on this blog?  Well, I'll write about what I know about, what my experience and wisdom instinctively tell me, and what I think about various issues of the day.  I have a few friends who have launched blogs about specific, politics, policy, international relations, etc.  I don't want to limit myself in that way.  Of course, some things dominate.  Like politics.  For the next month or so it will dominate our life.  So if I keep yapping away on the this blog, you'll probably get a good dose of politics.  But I also work, volunteer, exercise, travel, eat out, play, etc.  So all subjects are game.

A little more about me so you have the context.  I've got a great family.  I've loved the same woman for decades.  It's been a sweet ride and I love the life we've built.  I have children and grandchildren who are all great.  They've given me and continue to give me a fun ride.  I'll no doubt write about them at various times.  Like any family, they do wonderful, funny, maddening, curious things.  Really, they can be pretty entertaining.   I spent 25 years in the US Navy.  I was a Naval Aviator.  I was a helicopter pilot.  I used to tell my kids that I was the best helicopter pilot in the Navy.  I think I was right.  I've traveled the world.  I've been to war.  I work in the aerospace industry.  I've got a ton of friends and cherish them all.  I really wouldn't change a thing about the life I've lived or the place I've arrived at.  I've got opinions on all the issues of the day that impact the people and things I cherish.  So I'll share them and see where it leads.

So...we're off.  Don't know where we're going.  But keep checking back and you might like what you hear.  If you don't, that's okay too.  That's what makes the world go round.


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