Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Both Will Claim Victory

So the second Presidential debate has come and gone.  Right up front I will say that both guys were aggressive, both had points to make, both made claims that probably aren't true, and both were on their game.  Because he had such a bad first debate, most people who like him will probably give it to the President on points.  I'm for the other guy so I'm glad he did just fine.  Like I said, both scored points and both made some errors but in the end tonight's debate probably won't matter.

But...a few observations.  I don't know who thought up this town hall forum format but I don't particularly like it.  Too much time is spent posturing and challenging instead of debating.  But some will like it and like the tension that was obvious and is undeniably developing in this setting.  Different strokes.  Second, why do they have time limits and rules if neither guy is going to pay attention to them?  They both were shamelessly guilty of going overtime and not following the rules.  Third, Candy Crowley was horrible.  She had no control, she was obviously a homer for the President, and she didn't assert herself at all.  Really bad.

The country is so evenly divided that the candidates need to be focused on moving those who are undecided into their camp.  Did they do that tonight?  I don't think so.  I think Romney still has the momentum, although maybe not as great as after the first debate.  The President has a terrible problem in that he has to run on his record.  Tonight he really tried to turn the conversation to what he wants to do, but for me it rings on deaf ears.  If you have a four year record and by almost every measure the country is worse off, well then you've got a problem.

And so it goes.  Twenty days and one debate.  Not much time.  I think Romney has better ideas, is gaining momentum, and I hope Obama loses...but I think it could go either way...

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