Monday, October 22, 2012

Burdened By A Record

As I watched the debate tonight, I kept thinking to myself, "Mitt looks and acts like he's the President".  He was strategic.  He stayed above the fray.  He had big ideas and projected the optimism that Americans expect in their President.  He had a mastery of details.  He was strong when he needed to be and deferential when appropriate.  Obama seemed petty.  He seemed mired in talking points.  He went on the attack when it wasn't necessary or relevant.  But above all, he was burdened by his record.

Since I'm for Romney maybe I just saw what I wanted.  But I don't think so.  This debate did for Romney what needed to be done.  He looked measured, intelligent, Presidential.  He can do this job.

The 2012 Presidential debates are in the history books.  The first was clearly Romney's.  The next two were very close.  But Romney turned the momentum so significantly in the first debate that I don't think Obama ever overcame that first impression.

A few impressions really stick with me from watching these guys over the course of the debates:

  • Romney is not the guy painted in the attack ads.  He is optimistic, competent, and has good and viable ideas.  He's got experience and demonstrated successes.  The debates allowed that to shine through. 
  • Romney had specific ideas and plans that can be implemented.  They are strategic.  The rap on him that he doesn't have specifics seems shallow.  Romney is not going to negotiate his plans in the press or in a debate.  He knows how to put a plan and goal on the table and reach across the aisle, negotiate, and get a deal.
  • Obama seemed mired in talking points in every debate.  It seemed to me like Obama kept repeating talking points no matter what was being said.  It was wierdly robotic.
  • The biggest thing that Obama does that drives me crazy is that he continually drives a wedge between the American people.  He tries to divide us against each other.  For him it's all about redistributing what he believes is ill-gotten gains by the "wealthy".  This came through loud and clear in the debates.  It is small, evil, and does not reflect the best of us.
  • Obama continually tried to steer the debates to a discussion of the future but couldn't get past the fact that he is burdened by his record.  No matter how much he tried to deflect and spin, his record is there for all to see.
So we'll see whether or not the debates will make a difference.  It seems to me that they will.  But soon the guessing will be over.

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