Monday, December 31, 2012

You Say You Want A Resolution...

So we arrive at the dawn of a new year.  It always seems to be a time of new beginnings.  Or at least wishes for new beginnings.  We look back wistfully, or proudly, or disappointedly and sometimes think of what could have been.  We also look forward.  I like to think most look forward optimistically.  That the new year will bring new challenges, new opportunities, new successes.  At least that's what I try to do.

I'm not huge on resolutions, but they can be fun.  They can also sometimes make us think.  Make us think about what we can be...what we should be...what is good for us and bad for us.  Unfortunately, many resolutions (I RESOLVE to do this!) don't last long.  They get forgotten in our hectic lives.

So I'm gonna try...try to state them...try to work on them...try to keep them.  Maybe I won't be totally successful, but I'm going to write these down, keep them in mind, and this time next year look back.  I hope it will be proudly...not wistfully or disappointedly.  Here they are:

Honesty--This might be pretty difficult.  We all take the easy way out on this one.  We don't say what we think.  Of course, it's very important to take feelings into account when giving your opinion.  Sometimes you need to be sensitive to hurt feelings.  But most times it's tempting to give the easy answer.  To tell someone what they want to hear.   To wimp out.  This year I RESOLVE to be honest.  You want my opinion, you're going to get my HONEST opinion.  If you don't want it, don't ask for it.  If you don't want to read it, leave here now.

Unsubscribe--This one will be easy.  I get way too much nonsense email.  I RESOLVE to unsubscribe to things I don't need/want and keep at it throughout the year.

Exercise--Need to do more of this.  I'm a pretty active person.  I get in the gym regularly...but not regularly enough.  I get out on a bike ride regularly...but not regularly enough.  You get the picture.  So this year I RESOLVE to exercise on a regular basis.  Wish I could say an interval or time schedule, but the reality of my life/job makes that not doable.  But this time next year I'll know if I fulfilled this resolution.

Moisturize--This is another easy one (hey...I need some that are no brainers!).  My doctor tells me to do it more.  My wife tells me to do it more.  I can look at my skin and realize I need to do it more.  So this year I RESOLVE to apply moisturizer to my skin more regularly.

Getaway Place--we (mostly me) have wanted to get a second home for a while.  I think it would be great to have another place in a resort area for a getaway.  And do it regularly.  And do it more and more.  Right now I'm focused on a condo in Mammoth.  The area it all.  Four seasons, lots to do (hiking, biking, fishing, skiing, golfing, festivals, and much more), pretty reasonable, close to drive to, etc, etc.  But I need to do some more research.  But I RESOLVE to narrow the choices, go visit the target area, and pull the trigger.  Hopefully we'll have next Thanksgiving at our place in Mammoth.  Stay tuned.

Electronic Sanity--I really like technology.  I have many of the gadgets that connect me to the world.  I'm all about the web.  It's revolutionized our lives and mostly for the better.  But lately I've become sort of disenchanted with how pervasive they can become if we let them.  I've experienced people who are truly over the top.  People who can't let it go.  They check their devices (whatever they are) constantly, as if there is some all important message or information that needs immediate attention.  It got me thinking...what did we do before these things?  Did we pay more attention to each other?  Were we more aware of our surroundings?  Did we give each other more respect?  So this year I RESOLVE to put the devices down and leave them down more often.  I's just not that important. knew this was coming.   Who doesn't go on a diet on Jan 2nd?  Jan 2nd because there are just too many good things to eat while watching football on the 1st!  I'm a big guy and carry it reasonably well, but could stand to lose some weight.  Especially at my age, I gotta eat better.  Of course, that's difficult because I like food so much!  But I'm gonna try.  This is one that will definitely be judged this time next year and I'll look back either proudly or disappointedly.  I'll let you know.

Try New Restaurants--Here's another easy one.  I blogged a while back about going out to eat.  We go out pretty routinely.  But sometimes we get in a rut.  Go to the same places over and over.  Nothing wrong with that and nothing wrong with being loyal.  But it's also cool to try new places.  Literally, every time we do we enjoy ourselves.  So we're going to try and explore new restaurants.  But now that I think about it, maybe not so easy.  If I'm going to lose weight, I better choose wisely in exploring new restaurants.  :)

So that's it.  I usually think of a few things in my mind and then go about my business.  But writing them down is helpful...and a bit scary.  I mean...they are out there for all to see.  At least everyone who is reading.  Check back next year, same time.  I'll let you know how I did.

Finally, here's a quote about the new year that I really like.  Pretty simple and straightforward...and one that after all is said and done I can aspire to...
“Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each New Year find you a better person.” –Benjamin Franklin


  1. Can't wait for Thanksgiving in Mammoth! :)

  2. Great list! I like the one on honesty. I don't think there's anyone out there who doesn't need to meditate on the importance of full honesty. Happy New Years! - Larry Vincent
