Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A Mess

SecDef Hagel is quoted yesterday saying "The world is exploding all over".  Well...duh!  Unless you're living under a rock you've seen all the news.  Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Ukraine, Russia, Crimea, Argentina, China...pick one.  And there are many more.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, our President has no clue what he's doing regarding foreign policy.  And he's surrounded by sycophants and political hacks.  I think he's very deliberate regarding domestic policy and we've seen the damage he's done to the economy.  The simple truth is that the last 6 years have been a disaster.  A really good summation of all the disasters is detailed here.

Things are so bad that Hillary publicly berates Obama for his failures.  Most people won't read the article in The Atlantic, so here is a version you can read for yourself.   Pretty amazing.  But now she's trying to walk it back.  She had a chance to put a stake in the ground regarding what she believes.  But no.  She is proving to be the conniving, slimy, opportunistic politician that we all know she is.

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