Sunday, August 10, 2014

Motivation Monday

Something a bit different this week.  Read the article you'll find here.  If you need the link, here it is:

This isn't about right or left or differing opinions.  It's about treating people with respect.  The world needs a lot more of that.
"Have the strength to doubt and question what you believe as easily as you're so quick to doubt his beliefs. Live with a truly open mind -- the kind of open mind that even questions the idea of an open mind. Don't feel the need to always pick a side. And if you do pick a side, pick the side of love. It remains our only real hope for survival and has more power to save us than any other belief we could ever cling to."
We've got to find people to put in leadership positions who will seek to bring us together and find common ground.  There seems to be very little of that these days.  Think about that the next time you vote.

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