Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Unequal Justice

Saw the article copied below on the net.  Now first let me fully admit it's from a right wing site.  They have a particular slant, as do their counterparts over on the left.  And inserting Obama into the mix is just rabble rousing.  I'm pretty sure the President didn't have anything to do with this.

But...I did a little Snopes check and the story is essentially true.  The EEO did take the case and the truckers did receive compensation.  Now I agree that people shouldn't be required to do something that is against their religious beliefs.  So how is it that when Christians assert this same right, all they hear from the US Government is...nothing?  This is so fundamentally unfair that it's pretty mind boggling...

After Muslim Truckers Refuse to Deliver Beer… Obama Does the Unbelievable

by Top Right News on October 27, 2015

by Bill Callen | Top Right News

Barack Obama just sided with Muslims to enforce Islamic Sharia Law on an American business, leaving many outraged and two FoxNews anchors absolutely stunned.

Two Muslim truck drivers — former Somali “refugees” —  refused to make deliveries of beer to stores for their employer. So they were understandably fired.

They claimed it was a violation of their religious beliefs — even though Islam bars only the consumption of alcohol. And, as the employer pointed out, the workers knew they would have to deliver alcohol before they took the job.

So guess what Barack Obama did.

He SUED the employers it on behalf of the pair, Mahad Abass Mohamed and Abdkiarim Hassan Bulshale, claiming religious discrimination.

Obama’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) represented them in the case, providing tens of thousands of  taxpayer dollars in legal support, judicial filings and court appearances against the employer who was hopelessly outgunned by the Federal government.

And this week the Muslims were awarded a stunning $240,000 by a jury, presided over by an Obama appointee who stunned analysts by allowing the case to go forward at all.

Fox News hosts Megyn Kelly and Andrew Napolitano were flabbergasted:

“The Obama administration actually represented the two Muslims in this case. But has sometimes taken a very different position in the case of Christians trying to assert their religious beliefs.”

She then said to Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano:

“So in the case of the Muslim truck drivers, the Obama administration through the EEOC is all in. This is what they said:

‘We are proud to support the rights of workers to equal treatment in the workplace without having to sacrifice their religious beliefs or practices; it’s fundamental to the American principles of religious freedom and tolerance.’

But when it comes to the Christian bakers, it’s not as fundamental.”

Napolitano was equally perplexed:

“That’s correct. It’s unfortunate when the government interferes in a private dispute over religious views, and takes sides, and chooses one religion over another.”

To their point, the Christian owners of “Melissa’s Sweet Cakes” were fined $135,000 by the state of Oregon for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple. And Kentucky clerk Kim Davis was jailed for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses.

Napolitano offered an explanation for the administration’s interest in the Muslim truck driver case:

“The way the feds intervened … they wanted this case because they wanted to make the point that they’ve now made.”

The U.S government and the courts can’t legally have one set of laws for Christians and another set of laws for Muslims and other religious groups.

But now they do. Obama’s actions and this court’s ruling throws into relief that not all Americans are legally recognized as possessing religious liberty and freedom of conscience.

As George Orwell might put it, Obama has now established that Muslims are more equal than Christians in America.

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