Thursday, December 31, 2015

2016 Predictions

These are likely bullshit.  I am not good at this stuff.  I find myself a lot more optimistic than is warranted by facts and a lot more eager to see the best in people.  Oh well...I don't care!  Haven't done this previously but thought I might as well throw in my opinions.  As you know...I've never been shy in doing that previously.  So here are some predictions for 2016
  1. Marco Rubio will be nominated as the Republican candidate and will win the Presidency
  2. Hillary will be the Democrat nominee (I know...shock!) and along with the Clinton machine will take campaigning to new depths.  The lies will be even too much for most loyal Dems to take.
  3. There will be a vacancy on the Supreme Court.  Congress will finally grow a pair and block some extreme choices from Obama
  4. Obama will continue to routinely break the law through executive orders (I know...shock!)  
  5. Kentucky will win the NCAA basketball championship
  6. Clemson will win the NCAA football championship 
  7. The Arizona Cardinals will win the Super Bowl
  8. The San Diego Chargers will not be approved to relocate to L.A.  Neither will the Oakland Raiders.  The St Louis Rams will become (once again) the L.A. Rams
  9. The St Louis Cardinals will win the World Series
  10. The California drought will be declared over as we experience a record rainfall from El Nino

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