Wednesday, December 30, 2015

You Say You Want A Resolution IV

Here we are in year IV.  2016.  Yikes...where did the time go?  Since I've been on a self-induced pause, it seems like this might be an appropriate way to jump back in.  So here we are.  Reviewing last year's resolutions and optimistically moving forward with a few resolutions that I'm hoping will give me a focus on doing some things to make me better (whatever that means) and give me a sense of accomplishment when I look back on bringing them to fruition.  Look below under Resolution III and I'll let you know how I did on my 2015 resolutions.  If you're interested in years before that...well you know how to search and use the scroll bar (or you should).  Have at it.

Sooooo... here's my list for this year:
  • Focus--I fully admit to sometimes spreading myself too thin and getting involved in a multitude of activities.  But sometimes I just can't help it.  There's a lot of stuff to do!  But in 2016 I'm going to really try and focus.  I'm going to say no to some things.  I'm going to pick and choose what I do and don't do.  I really need to pay more attention to some things and less to others.  Not naming anything, but I know what those things are.
  • Weight and Exercise--This seems perpetual.  I've done a pretty good job but need to continue.  Losing weight and exercising go hand in hand.  And they are both good for you.  So why don't I devote all my attention to it?  You got it...human nature.  It's a never ending battle but I'll keep at it.
    • Get back on the bike--This is a subset of above.  I've backed off the bike because of a few terrible accidents that hit close to home.  But I really miss it.  So I've got to get back out there.  Hope to do that soon.
  • Hobby--I describe a lot of the things I do on this blog and so you're probably saying what the hell is he talking about?  I admit that I love a lot of things and have a lot of fun doing them but I'd really like to devote some time to something unique.  Something fun and maybe a bit productive.   And this might help with the focus.  I've thought of getting a boat but don't really want that. Seems like it could be a money pit.  And the West coast isn't really conducive to the kind of boating I'd want to do.   I've thought of collecting something, but don't really think I have the personality for that.  Can't see me sitting around watching my model trains cruise in circles.  Or collecting stamps.  Or baseball cards.  Or...whatever.  We already have determined our travel schedule and are pretty happy with that.  I do play golf but that isn't really what I'm talking about.  So I happened on something that I think would be fun.  Back in the 1970s I owned a Triumph TR-6 British sports car.  It had it's problems but it was the coolest car I've ever owned.  Loved it.  And I'm a SoCal guy so you know I love cars!  But like I said it had it's problems.  And I was a young guy with a young family in the midst of my career without any discretionary money.  So I got rid of it.  But it holds fond memories for me. So I'm thinking it would be really fun to get a fully restored TR-6 and be able to cruise around in it.  Not sure it will happen, but it's something I'd like to do.  
  • Guitar--Okay.  Here we go again.  Taking lessons on line definitely isn't the way to go for me.  So I need to find an instructor.  After the holiday hubbub settles down, I'll look for one.  If anyone knows a good instructor in the San Diego area, let me know.
  • Pay more attention to the blog--I get lazy.  I sometimes just throw up a photo.  Need to stop doing that. I'll make every attempt to pay more attention and devote more time to the blog.  It is good for my mind and fair to anyone reading.  Hopefully, you'll see improvement.
  • Declutter and unsubscribe--I have proclaimed this resolution previously but it bears repeating.  It is amazing to me how much crap I collect, both in the computer and in my physical space.  I (we?) seriously need to declutter.  And part of the declutter venture is taking all my old photographs and scanning them in to a computer file.  I've had that on my to do list for a long time.  I hope that in 2016 I can finally get started on that.
And as always, here's the quote that I think of when thinking of facing the new year, “Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each New Year find you a better person.” –Benjamin Franklin

Happy 2016 Everybody!

You Say You Want A Resolution III

Copied below is my post from this time last year and my post from 2012 that enumerated my resolutions for the next year.  Can I put it out there or what?!  Of course, not than many folks are reading so it's sort of a small circle.  It's interesting to go back and think about what I thought was important (or doable) and how I did with them.  Anyway, I think setting goals (writing down resolutions) is a good idea.  It gives you something to shoot for and think about.  I'm not going to repeat all the reasons to conduct this little exercise because I still believe them.  I'll comment in red below on the 2014 resolutions so you can see how I did.  And here are my resolutions for 2015:
  • Strengthen my relationship with God and service to the Church--If you know me you're probably a bit surprised by this one.  I mean, I've always had faith, have always believed.  But I've never really been outgoing or demonstrative about it.  I don't know if it's because I'm getting older and facing my mortality, the fact that we have a new Priest and an opportunity for renewed energy/growth in our church, or it's just a natural evolution in my journey of faith.  But whatever it is, I resolve to be more active and a stronger member of God's community in order to serve others. I accomplished this one in spades!  I ran for and was elected to the Vestry (governing body) of my church and to my great surprise was further elected to the position of Junior Warden.  That makes me one of two principal officers in the church.  Yikes!  As they say in the've come a long way baby!  And be careful what you wish for!!!  Frankly, the involvement was far deeper and more involved than I anticipated.  But I've learned a ton, enjoyed getting to know so many new people, and humbly think I've made a difference.  But despite the time commitment, it has been a great experience.  Not sure what 2016 will bring in this area but I think I will stay pretty involved.
  • Get better at Golf--Since retirement I've played a lot more and really enjoy it.  Have joined the Men's Club at our resort and play in the weekly tournament and usually one other time during the week.  I'm certainly above the threshold of embarrassment.  But it is a maddening game.  My ability (or lack of ability!) sometimes drives me crazy!  But I'd like to get better and bring down my handicap.  To that end I've recently started to take lessons.  So we'll see.  This is one that truly will only be known by the test of time.  So check back next year and see if I've accomplished reducing my index. So if you're a golfer at all you know that the golf Gods read this resolution and started laughing.  I spent the Spring getting better.  Handicap did indeed start to descend, albeit slowly.  And then the slump happened.  It's been going on now for about 3 months.  Drives me crazy.  And the more things I come up with to correct deficiencies, the worse it seems to get.  So I'm about back where I started.  Don't get me wrong, I have some great holes.  Some great rounds!  But I also blow up regularly.  I guess  the key is that I still love playing.  So I'll keep at it.  This one is definitely incomplete!
  • Weight & Exercise--Ongoing.  And more important as I age.  As the saying goes, you've got to keep moving.  I've been pretty successful at doing something almost every day.  Need to keep that up! Did pretty well here.  I'm about 20 pounds lighter than when I retired.  I play golf twice a week.  I'm in the gym 2-3 times per week.  We still do beach walks pretty often.  So it's all good.  But have to keep it up.  
  • Learn to play the guitar--Here I go again.  I've got a good start.  Now I really need to follow through and go to the next step.  This is one that I'll attack after the craziness of the holidays recedes. Dismal and disappointing failure.  I did get an online course and started going through it, but it just didn't work for me.  I need to find an instructor.  Not sure how to go about that but I'm going to do that in 2016.
  • Take a pottery class--I've been a failure at this but resolve to move forward.  Not sure yet when or where, but it's going to happen. Success!!  Took the class, made the pots (and other stuff).  It was a lot of fun and I actually learned a few things.  You can read about it here.
  • Go to more cultural live events--From 2013 and hit or miss in 2014.  We always like going to plays, concerts, live events.  But we don't do it enough.  So in 2015 I resolve that we are going to increase our involvement with the arts.  Maybe get a subscription to the Globe.  Maybe do the same for the Summer Pops.  Maybe look at other venues more closely.  It's all enriching.  Mixed reviews.  We did go to several live events this year but did not get any subscriptions.  Maybe that's not all bad though.  Subscriptions sort of lock you in.  So I think we'll continue, but not get too rigid.
  • Travel--We've got several trips planned next year and they will be great.  I traveled a lot in my job and at one point thought I didn't want to travel very much when I stopped.  But as I get farther away from that, I realize how cool it is to see other places and experience other cultures.  I think we need to do more while we're still young enough, healthy enough, and energetic enough to enjoy it.  It's easy to sit back and just live your life at home.  But now that we have the time and means, we need to get out there.  Check back next year to see how we did. We did some great trips last year.  Had a wonderful week in Kauai at an idyllic condo above Hanalei Bay.  Views to die for.  Then did the standard family week in Hilton Head.  Too valuable to put a price on.  Finished up with a week in Bar Harbor, Maine visiting Acadia National Park during the leaf season.  It was spectacular!  Got to visit the East Coast Jungle on weekends before and after, so that was great.  Maybe doesn't seem like a lot, but just right for us.  We've decided that three big trips during the year is about right for us. We're already planning a trip to China in April.  Check back to see how that goes.
And as always, here's the quote that I think of when thinking of facing the new year, “Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each New Year find you a better person.” –Benjamin Franklin

Happy 2015 Everyone!!

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