Thursday, January 28, 2016

Tonight's Debate

The debate tonight was interesting.  I really liked that Trump wasn't in attendance.  There have been differing opinions on the wisdom of his decision to not attend and the impact it will have on his candidacy.  I think it will be a net loss.  He comes across as a petulant jackass.  Simple as that.  The hard core supporters won't think so, but the people he's trying to woo will.  And remember, with his numbers he has about 14 million supporters (in the whole electorate).  He needs 60 million to win.  A stunt like tonight won't help him win any supporters.  I really think a lot of people who were trying to figure him out are starting to think he's the knucklehead that they thought he was.  So he will continue to be a factor, but at the end of the day, he's not going to get the nod.

The rest of the debate had some good substance.  I did think that the Fox crew was trying to be a bit "gotcha" in some of their questions, but overall pretty good.  Thought my guy Rubio did well.  Of course, all the talking heads are weighing in.  So who knows.  Thought Cruz was as slimy as always.  150 years ago and that guy would be selling snake oil on the corner.  He really is a turnoff and his radicalism is pretty repulsive.  Christie did well.  Continue to like his prosecutorial demeanor.  Think he'd be a pretty good VP.  Or AG.  Bush had a good night.  But my gut tells me too little, too late.  And a weird phenomenon is that the longer he is around, the more the Bush name hurts.  Weird.  Paul?  Clearly a fringe candidate.  Like his libertarian leanings in many ways, but don't think he could ever get traction.  I'll provide the usual assessment of Carson.  Nice guy.  Could never make it.  Kasich?  Still like him but he seems like he's continually focusing on the past.  He needs to take a page out of Rubio's book.  Focus on the future.  The "undercard"?  Still like Fiorina.  Think she should be a factor but for some reason has never caught on.  If they are looking for a woman VP, then she could play.  But I'd prefer Nicki Haley.  

When they got to immigration, I kept wondering why we can't solve this.  Is it that the threat outweighs the solution?  Is it economic?  Is it racism?  Is it ignorance?  Probably some of all the above.  It was obvious to me that most of them have been all over the landscape.  Seems to me that this a problem ripe for a compromise solution.  Most Americans believe in and know we are a nation of immigrants.  "Give my your tired and your poor..." and all that.   We've got to get a policy in place that results in reasonable immigration policies so that we can continue the proud tradition of welcoming people from around the world, especially those fleeing from oppression, while at the same time protecting our people.  At the end of the day, we have it pretty good here.  And we ought to be figuring out how to share this wonderful experiment in freedom.   Expose people to freedom, get them an education, turn them loose to better themselves...that is the American way.

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