Monday, November 6, 2023


The world seems to have turned on its head since the massacre in southern Israel on October 7.  I don't need to describe what's going on.  Turn on the TV to any news channel (except MSNBC who is only focused on Trump) or call up any news website and you will be bombarded with the latest in excruciating detail 24/7.  Of course, as always I recommend you check several sources because they are all biased.  Then try to knit together what you think is close to the truth.  

One of the most surprising things to me is the blatant rise of anti-semitism.  I've never really had any strong thoughts about that issue being something of the 21st century.  Of course, I'm a product of my environment and where I live.  But after the Holocaust I guess I naively thought that when people said "Never Again" they meant it.  That after 6 million Jews were killed just because they were Jews was so horrific that the world wouldn't countenance a return to that kind of vitriol and murderous activity.  I say the world but I guess what I really mean is the western world.  I've traveled to the Middle East quite a bit and am acutely aware of the animosity toward and rejection of Judaism in that part of the world.  And of course we've had to deal with Islamic radicals over the years, especially since 9/11 spouting their antisemitic bullshit.  But in the western, enlightened world, I thought (again naively) that we were beyond that.  I guess not.  

I'm sure you seen the massive demonstrations in our cities and on some of our university campuses.  Of course it's happening also in Europe and other major cities around the world.  The interesting thing to me is that the protestors are tipping their hand in a very direct way and very few people and especially the media are picking up on it.  The protestors and the compliant media and even a few in congress keep saying that these protests are about the oppression by Israel of the Palestinians and to stop the genocide in Gaza.  They spout that the Palestinians have a right to their land and that Israel needs stop the war in Gaza and provide more and more concessions.  

But here's the deal.  These protests are NOT about Palestinians.  They are not about finding a peaceful solution.  They are definitely not about a two state solution.  They are about the annihilation of Israel.  They are about the extermination of the Jews.  That's what the slogan, "From the river to the sea" is all about.  I've watched a few of these marches and the chanting is difficult to hear.  I heard one group chanting "Israel, Israel you can't hide.  We want Jewish genocide".  

So this post is not really about the massacre, the despicable terrorists, the Gaza situation or the current strategy or even the longer and larger term ideas like the two state solution.   It doesn't take much research to study the history of the region, the history of the Jewish people, the history of the Palestinians, or anything else that is relevant and has to do with with the region and the conflict.  This is not about that.  And we can all have a different take on this issue that is certainly worthy of debate.  No.  This is about the disgusting, regressive, appalling and unacceptable call to once again eradicate Israel and in turn the Jewish people.   And don't get me wrong.  I'm am a supporter of the 1st Amendment.  The organizers have a right to march and spout this nonsense.  But they also need to be called out for what they are.  Many are immigrants from the Middle East who have come here and never lost their hatred.  Many are their children and have benefitted from everything this country has to offer.  Many are naive converts.  And many are fools and useful idiots.  Make no mistake, the people spouting this vile are either stupid or have been brainwashed.  They don't really have an appreciation of everything that allows them to do what they are doing.  If you need a primer, check out this video for what the West has given the world.   The alternative takes us back to the 7th Century.  

So I will lay down this marker.  I won't remain on the sidelines on this issue.  I won't blithely go about my day and not stand up to this horror.  What about you?  If you have kids in school, especially at one of the "elite" universities where this garbage is being spewed, talk to them and make sure they are not swallowing this line.  Don't shy away from the discussion with friends and colleagues.  Stand up!  Don't be someone who someday can repeat the famous words below from Martin Niemöller...

First they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me

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