Friday, February 19, 2016

National Security

I know I've posted on this previously, but as the current crop of Presidential wannabes get closer to occupying the Oval Office, I look around and get plenty worried.  The world is a complicated place in so many ways.  I just read a great survey of the issues over at The American Interest.  You can read it here.  Hat tip to SC!

There is a lot of meat in the article.  If you're interested in this subject I would encourage you to read and absorb it.  If you don't agree, that's okay.  But go find an analysis that makes sense to you.  I would postulate that no matter which national security expert you reference, you're going to find that virtually all are worried.  At least the serious ones are.

The complications that we will face in the years ahead deserve serious people thinking through serious solutions.  Because they will be deadly.  Whoever you favor in the Presidential election, it is critical that you think through how they would respond to crises.

We know how Hillary responds.  We've seen it at Benghazi.  She lies, obsfucates, deflects and parses words.  Sanders simply downs doesn't have the tools.  If you like our retreate in the world, enabling of rogue states, ignoring the mass murder of millions, then Bernie is your guy.  Trump?  The only hope I see is that he's smart enough to surround himself with experts.  He's always hired smart people.  The question is would he listen.  Cruz?  I shudder to think.  He is the scariest.  The Dems would be passive sheep.  He would be aggressive and not remotely have the ability to restrain our power.  Or use our power.  Rubio, Kascich, or Bush seem to me to be best qualified to navigate these dangerous times.  But whether or not they will get traction is the question.  As of today it doesn't look likely.

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