Friday, August 18, 2017

Unintended Consequences

I like to think of myself as an optimist.  You know, the glass half full and all that.  I try to look at the best in people and look for positive outcomes in any situation.  At least I try to do that.  I'm not always successful, but I try.  I'm also pretty good at looking for 2nd and 3rd order effects.  If this happens, then what is the outcome and, maybe even more importantly, what will be the effect down the line.  It's really taking the "if/then" problem to the next level.

So with the events of the last week, I'm heartened to see some of the impacts and outcomes.  I wrote about it just a few days ago here.  At the end of that rant, I hoped for the dismissal of Steve Bannon and that President Trump would come before the American people and apologize or at least explain himself.  Well...lo and behold, Bannon is out.  Now he's just the latest in what is becoming a list of folks leaving, but from I can tell, he's a bit of an odious character.  At minimum he is an arrogant and controlling functionary who is not particularly prone to bringing people together.  So he's out.  Now we'll see what impact that has.  What public role does he take?  Whatever it is, it will show his true character.

There are come other positive impacts that I think have started to emerge.  The best one is the pretty dramatic and across the board condemnation of the various white supremacist groups.  Not there was very much support in the past, but these knuckleheads have now become real pariahs.  People are starting to realize that their numbers are small and insignificant in the scheme of things.  That they can be made irrelevant by shining a light on them.

There has also been increased dialog across the board about the issue of monuments and memorials that are related to the Confederacy and the Civil War.  There have been a number of loud voices providing an almost hysterical demand to tear them all down.  But thankfully, those voices seem to be in the minority.  And really a small minority.  Polls show and I think it's true that most folks don't want to erase history.  I've said previously that I'm for ensuring that they are displayed in context and with correct historical descriptions as well as ensuring that local authorities make decisions based on a thorough discussion with the community.  I think that will happen.

The antifa is another odious group that have been outed for the despicable anarchists that they are.  I'm hoping (remember, I'm an optimist) that law enforcement now realize that if these guys are involved in any sort of demonstration or event, there is a need for overwhelming force and a structure to control them at all times.  One thing for sure, if there is another event in which the antifa thugs do their normal violence, law enforcement will be clearly to blame.

So there's a bit of light coming from the end of the tunnel.  But there is still one big issue.  Trump has to moderate his voice if he's going to be successful.  He's got to reach out to minorities and other groups and bring people together.  Or at least try to do that.  Because if he doesn't he'll be increasingly isolated and rendered ineffective.  And it will be a long three and half years!

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