Sunday, March 25, 2018

Stormy Waters

You know the old saying about 60 Minutes.  "You know you're going to have a bad day when you open the door and Mike Wallace is standing there and says, 'Hello, I'm from 60 Minutes and I've got a few question'."

I watched the 60 Minutes story tonight about Stormy Daniels.  It was pretty smarmy.  She seems okay but she's obviously been in a pretty sleazy business for 20 years.  Her lawyer is definitely a world class asshole fo the first order. Which is the kind of guy you'd want if you're going after Trump.

I came away with a few impressions.  First, there is no proof of anything.  She made some offhand implications of photos or texts or something else.  But right now it's a he said, she said.  Second, it was 12 years ago.  12 years.  It has nothing to do with today.  Third, if it's true the worst thing was that Melania had just given birth.  That's pretty cold.  But I have to admit not utterly surprising given what we know of Trump.  Fourth, she has a motive.  She kept saying she didn't, but she does.  That motive is obviously money.  We'll see how much she makes from this, but I hope it goes the other way.  Fifth, there was some implication that the lawyer who did all the arranging of the hush money could be in trouble.  I'm not buying that.  And finally, she should be careful.  There are a lot of crazy folks out there who might go after her.  The story isn't over.

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