Friday, January 24, 2020


I haven't posted much on the Democratic crowd mostly because everyone is consumed with the impeachment nonsense.  But it seems that now that the propaganda commercial is over, maybe they'll get on with putting this whole sham to bed.  More to come as it unfolds.

But there is one guy in the Democratic field that I feel compelled to comment on.  Most of them have weird ideas that blatantly play to the left wing crowd and I think can be reliably counted on to tack back towards the middle once the primaries are over.  The Democratic nominee simply has no chance if they keep spouting the nonsense that they do to placate the left wingers.  And if they do, they will be trounced.  Simple as that.  But Bernie is different.  He's been a Communist/Socialist his whole life.  And for most of it he has been a non-entity.  He ran in 2016 and because we wasn't Hillary, he got traction with a lot of people. They thought he was genuine, that he was consistent, that he was an outsider bucking the establishment.  He did pretty well until the Democratic machine shut him down.  I like to think that will happen again but the DNC is so unorganized and weirdly unengaged this time around that I'm not so sure.  He's doing pretty well and you never know how it's going to go as voters start to really cast votes.

To me this is very scary.  Simply put he is a threat to our way of life.  Back when I was a kid, Khruschehev gave us the road map on how the Communists would go about conquering us.  Luckily, we engaged in the Cold War for 40 years and defeated those assholes.  I spent 25 years of my life in this endeavor.  Bernie wants massive redistribution of wealth from those who have worked for it to those who haven't.  He is a Communist at best and at least a Socialist.  He will spend trillions and trillions of hard earned American dollars redistributing wealth.  He will kill our economy and unemployment will go through the roof.  His foreign policy would be a disaster of major proportions.  That there are so many thinking Americans who would back him is a mystery to me.  And it is very, very scary.   I suppose that at some point in our future someone like him will lull the populace into the position of rewarding him with a significant leadership position.  And there's a real possibility that will be the end of us.  

But not yet.  I've got to believe that there are enough thinking people who will reject him.  When I heard he had a heart attack I was hoping he would die.  But he didn't.  So be it.  If his popularity continues to grow, the only hope is for mainline Dems to speak out against him.  Are you listening Mr. Obama?

There are brave men and women in the free world who have stood up to the people who would conquer us and destroy us.  Sometimes they are  a lone voice in a vast wilderness of woke and apathetic thinking.  Winston Churchill was such a voice and we would do well to listen.

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