Sunday, May 29, 2022

What You Can Do


I've used this quote many times in my life but I find myself using more and more as our troubles seem to be increasing in our wonderful country.  I see so many people wanting to do something about whatever issue it is that they care deeply about.  Whether it's gun control, abortion, climate change, the economy, Ukraine, and so many others.  The national trauma seems to be running deeper than usual these days.  

When there is a large, national or even international issue that touches peoples emotions, they want to do something.  If they care deeply about something, they want to do something.  But frequently the issue seems so big and so filled with conflicting solutions that it seems overwhelming.  So the natural tendency after a while is to do nothing.  After all, what can one person do?  How can you as an individual have an impact on a large and complex problem?  It's so frustrating.

When I feel like that I remember Teddy Roosevelt's words.  "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are".  Don't worry about a big impact, do something.  Find a local organization that is doing the work you care about on the local level and get involved.  Work for change where you are.  That may lead to something bigger, but if it doesn't you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you've at least worked for something you believe in.  Too many of us are sitting around complaining.  Don't do that.  Find solutions no matter how big or small.  Move the needle, no matter how much.  

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