Tuesday, March 26, 2013


If you've been paying attention you know I have a military background.  I'm also a "baby boomer".  So I should be defined in certain ways.  I should think certain things.  But...that's not always the case.

Today's big news is about the Supreme Court case regarding California's Proposition 8 and gay marriage.  I have to admit I'm conflicted.  I'm of an age to remember (and I guess it isn't that long ago) when there was a real stigma regarding homosexuality.  During most of my life that has been true.  Doesn't make it right, but that's the way it was.  Of course, history is replete with one class of people being discriminated against by another.  Pick any time, any era, any group.  Prejudice, discrimination...it's always been there.  Always will be there.  We all experience it.  And everyone has been on both the giving and getting end.  So maybe it's time to try and walk back from this one.

I have to admit that I voted for Proposition 8.  I thought, "why do they need marriage?".  We (straight people...and in other words normal people) have marriage.  Let them get something else.  It just didn't seem like that big of a deal to me.  But, after the dust died a bit, I heard someone I respect a lot say that whenever the majority gets to vote on removing rights from the minority, they will do it.  And it isn't right.  And upon reflection, I think he's right.  And I wouldn't vote the same way today.

When Bubba forced the military to agree to Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) in the 90's that seemed at the time to be a reasonable compromise.  But it was always an "uncomfortable truce".  My thinking evolved to Don't Care.  Maybe I'm older and wiser.  Maybe I see it as inevitable.  Maybe it's that I live in a pretty liberal part of the country in SoCal.  Maybe it's just not worth the fight.  But whatever the reason...I just see it as an equality thing.  if we truly believe in this grand experiment called America, everyone should have the same rights.  "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal".  Greatest line in the greatest governmental document ever written.  We either believe it or we don't.  Simple as that.

And then there is the religious argument.  Good quote from one of Jimmy Buffet's songs,
"Where's the church, who took the steeple
Religion's in the hands of some crazy ass people
Television preachers with bad hair and dimples
The God's honest truth is it's not that simple
It's the Buddhist in you, it's the pagan in me
It's the Muslim in him, she's Catholic ain't she?
It's that born again look, it's the wasp and the Jew
Tell me what's goin on, I ain't got a clue"

I think (and maybe it's just me) that when it comes to religion, it can cut a million different ways.  I'm no biblical scholar, I don't know the Koran, etc, etc, etc.  I've heard definitive religious arguments on this subject lots of different ways.  So my view when it comes to religion is...the Golden Rule...pretty simple.  "Do onto others as you would have them do onto you."

So I'm for equality.  I'm for treating people the same.  I'm for an even playing field.

But (and there is always a but) I can't bring myself to believe that homosexuality is just another state of being...that it's normal.  That it's just a another way a lot of people are wired.  I simply don't believe that.  I think it's abnormal.  As in different.  Not immoral.  Just different.  Most of us are normal.  Some aren't.  And I don't think 100% of gay people are intrinsically gay.  That they have no choice.  I think there are shades of grey.  But I happily admit to not being an expert.  Or even an amateur.  So if science proves me wrong some day, so be it.

And here's another thing.  No one likes gloating.  No one likes throwing it in one's face.  No one will be won over by rainbow flags and parades with weirdos in drag.  Or goofy little symbols to show just how enlightened you are.  If it goes the way most think, it will be a victory for those espousing gay rights.  We've all got battles to fight.  There will be more.

I guess at the end of the day, I'm a bit like Jerry.  There are two teams.  Both are good teams.  But there's not a lot of trading that goes on...

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