Saturday, June 29, 2013

No Easy Answers

Saw an interesting post over on FB in which an NYU student did a project about the evolution and some of the impacts of the U.S. "drone"  attacks.  Its an interesting video with some sobering statistics.  You can see it here.

I think it's pretty well done but three things stood out for me as missing.  The first is this...

We have a tendency to forget.  To move on.  To do what it takes to heal.  But the reality, at least for those of us who believe there are people in the world dedicated to killing us and destroying our way of life, is that there is still a war going on.  It is still a big bad world out there.

Which brings me to the second point.  We are in a war but we have no strategy.  It's all based on politics.  If you watch the video you will see the pace of drone attacks since 2002 (he conveniently doesn't acknowledge or speak of the attacks on 9/11/2001).  They clearly increase in pace when Obama became President.  Why is that?  I guess you could postulate many reasons, but to me it's clear that drone attacks in a far off land bear no (or very little) political risk.  It's an easy way to prosecute the war.  Of course, they've said the war is over.  And it's clear that they never believed in it anyway.  So why continue and even dramatically increase the attacks?  Again, it's easy and bears no political risk.  And if it doesn't clearly expose the lies and incompetency of the Obama and his cronies, I really don't know what does.  It is as clear as night following day.  And the professional military officers who are advising this course of action are complicit.  Their only reckoning is likely to be in the mirror, but it's there.

Third, and this may even be the worst, is the utter pass that the media continues to give Obama.  This is a clear dereliction of duty.  If he believes the war is over, so be it.  He's the CINC.  Then stop.  Stop the attacks.  This is not a just cause if we are not at war.  Full stop.  But they don't question him (or anyone in the administration) about this.  They just let it slide.  They don't ask about the IRS.  They don't ask about the NSA.  They don't ask about Benghazi.  They don't ask about vacations.  They don't ask about the debt.  They don't ask about anything substantive.  They are pathetic.  If the media, who have access and whose job it is to question the government, aren't doing it, who will?

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