Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pet Peeve

I had this fun little weekly thing I did a while back called Pet Peeve Wednesday.  But it turned out that I didn't really have that many pet peeves so it sort of ran it's course.  Plus I'm sort of a positive kind of guy and I don't like to be all that negative.  But...that doesn't mean that something doesn't happen that stirs me to think about a pet peeve now and then.  And so it goes.

Lately, I've noticed this phenomenon that people have to check, recheck, and continually recheck their Blackberries, iPhones, or whatever...constantly.  And I mean Like every 10 seconds.  Like every single time it buzzes.  Like it's a life or death message, or the President is calling, or instructions are coming thru on how to get rich quick.  Now I've been in boring meetings with a lot of people when it's irresistible to check your phone for emails.  Discreetly.  below the table.  I get that, especially in big meetings.  But if you're one-on-one or in a small group, let it be.  It will wait.  Checking your phone in a small group meeting or one-on-one is just plain rude.  It disrespects the people you're talking to and makes them think you don't value your time with them.  That they just aren't that important. STOP!

And BTW, a word to the wise.  Just because the phone company gives you a holster to wear on your belt doesn't mean you need to use it.  Just in case you don't realize it, wearing your phone on your belt makes you look like the ultimate nerd.  So unless you're going for the geek look, slip the phone in your pocket.

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