Friday, August 9, 2013

No Shame

We seem to be bombarded by obnoxious assholes in the public eye.  They are everywhere.  Weiner, Spitzer, Filner, Sanford, Brig Gen Sinclair, and on, and on, and on...  I'm not a fan of the President and I'm not accusing him of any of the unsavory things that these other idiots have done, but he is altering our country in such a fundamental way that I worry that we can't come back.  We are rapidly becoming a country of whiners and takers.

Why?  Why are we subjected to the actions of these jerks.  I wasn't going to say anything about all this but it's becoming ridiculous.  The situation deserves comment.

The worst thing is that these knuckleheads don't know when to go go away.  We are subjected to this jackass Filner here in SoCal and Weiner and Spitzer continue to force themselves on the citizens of New York.  It is beyond belief.  When did simple decorum and shame go by the wayside?  Why do these guys think that they are so damned important that we can't do without them.  The ego is a powerful force, but this just goes beyond anything I've ever seen.

And why do people listen to and vote for them.  Who in their right mind would vote for them?  But people do!  Are we so short of leadership that these scumbags are the only ones that can fill a vacancy?  Do people think they are going to do something special for them.  One of the biggest problems we have is the shrinking of the middle class.  But I don't think you create a middle class by giving people things, you create it by giving people opportunity.  These guys are so self centered that they could never see this truth.  And if someone is so obnoxious and self centered that they would continue to force their disgusting a selves on us, why would someone vote for them?  But they do!  I just don't get it.

Here's another thing.  Why would Weiner's wife stand beside him and continue to promote him?  He is obviously a scumbag of epic proportions.  She is by all account a smart, gracious, aware woman.  What in heavens name is she thinking?  And I don't want to get into the psychology of sexual harassment, but in 2013, if some woman is suffering sexual harassment why wouldn't she come forward and hold the jackass accountable.  Maybe it's that I can't understand because I haven't been there.  But if my wife, my daughter, anyone I know suffered the harassment that some of these women have suffered, I would support them to the end of the earth to take the scumbag down.

So just a few folks read this blog.  Sometimes as many as 90 a day.  Sometimes just a few.  But whoever you are, wherever you are, whatever you think stop voting mindlessly for idiots.  Stop empowering these low lifes.  Stop promoting the coarsening of society.

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