Saturday, November 16, 2013

Obama's Folly

I've been very tempted to sit down and write a rant about the unbelievable disaster that is Obamacare.   But I couldn't come close to some of the articles and analysis that is inundating us every day.  Is there anyone who doesn't think this is a huge disaster?  You'd have to be living under a rock not to acknowledge how bad it is and will continue to be both politically for Obama and for all the people who have lost their healthcare.  And it's only beginning.

There are some things that seem obvious but I need to say them:

  1. Obama lied.  Simple as that.  He is so detached, so self-centered, so above us all that he thought he'd get away with it.
  2. It's too big, too comprehensive, too far reaching.  Think about this.  It's going to impact one-sixth of our economy and not one republican voted for it.  How could the Democrats have the gall to push something this impactful through without one vote from the other side?  But they did.
  3. Stand by for 2014.  People are pissed.  And they are going to get more pissed.  Watch the Dems start to run away from this thing.
  4. How could anyone who is familiar with the monstrous US Government bureaucracy believe they could take on something this big and this complicated?  It was doomed from the start.
  5. Think about how arrogant you have to be to declare that someone's insurance isn't good enough and they have to buy more expensive insurance that might include things they don't want from the government.
  6. Obama has proven himself to be an empty suit to many of the people who bought his act.  He is hot air who simply cannot lead.  He can talk.  He can pontificate.  He can blame.  But he can't lead.  He's proven that over and over.
  7. Wait...I said I wasn't going to rant.  Okay, I'm done.  I actually have more but I'm done.
But one more thing.  I travel internationally for my job on occasion.  In fact right now I'm in Dubai.  It is shocking to talk to people and read the papers about America.  The conventional wisdom is that we have retreated.  We have given up our leadership position in the world.  Our influence is on the wane.  Only one person to blame for that.  You guessed it.  Even well into his second term he is an amateur.  He has created a leadership vacuum in the world and it's being filled by some pretty unsavory characters.  The world is a big, nasty, scary place.  Something will happen to wake us up.  I just hope it isn't too bad.

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