Friday, March 6, 2015


It's probably not a big surprise that I'm composing a post about Hillary and her latest foible.  There are so many words to describe it...outrageous, illegal, galling, stupid, arrogant, etc.  But above all it is not Presidential.

I've been around long enough to not be surprised by the Clinton's shenanigans, but this latest thing is so over the top that I have to admit to being surprised at her stupidity.  I mean, it's pretty basic.  If you're a government employee, especially at a place like the State Department where documents like email are not only sensitive, they are classified at the highest level, you need to use and respect the structural conventions.  Email is one of those.  People at very high levels have been fired for less!  Much less.  And now she says she wants the State Department to cull through her email traffic and release what can be released.  But how do we know that there aren't emails that she has held back or are buried, destroyed, etc.  We don't.  There is no way of knowing.  Like I said, galling.  I heard something good on MSNBC of all places yesterday.  They admitted that if you replaced Hillary with Cheney in this story, they would be on it like white on rice.  And they said it with a smirk.  They know and Hillary knows and Bubba knows and we all know that the Clintons are not going to be held accountable

But the amazing thing is that it is just the latest in the long line of things that Hillary has been involved with that are either shady, illegal, or stupid.  Remember Rose Law Firm?  Remember travel gate?  Remember cattle futures?  Remember her moving to New York to run for the Senate when she had never lived there?  Remember her outrageous speaking fees?  Remember her horrendous book(s) for which she got a grunch of money for up front?  Remember Benghazi?  And on and on and on.  And here's another thing.  In what universe would the average woman stay with Bubba?  If I or anyone I know had done the things he's done and is still doing I'm pretty sure any self-respecting wife would be long gone.  And that is just from a fidelity perspective.  He's also one of the slickest (remember Slick Willie) characters ever to grace our public scene.

But even more amazing is that they continue to get a pass.  They continue to do what they want.  The vaunted media watchdogs continue to turn the other eye.  And she still has the support of a large segment of the population, many of them women.  I guess I'm getting old...but I just don't get it.  It's like I'm living in an alternate universe.  How on earth could a thinking, modern, liberated, woman want this woman to be President?  It is beyond me.

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