Saturday, July 25, 2015


There has been a lot in the news recently about what seems to be a growing sense of racial angst.  I've  written about it a few times, the most recent early last week.  The theme of that post was that just because there is a strong dialog about race doesn't mean everyone is a racist...particularly me.  I mean, it just seems that this discussion starts with stereotyping people.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm not for a minute saying there isn't racism or that there aren't racism problems in the country, but it irks me that we can't seem to get to the point of discussing specific problems and solutions because we the dialog seems to be driven (by the media?) to a place of blame.  It's just off-putting.

I saw a very interesting article this morning titled "White people have a race -- but everyone flips out when we talk about it".  You can read it here.  Now if you're a regular reader you know I come down philosophically on the conservative side of things.  Usually anyway.  But I try to look at everything.  So this article is from  Now don't freak out!  I realize it's a hard left site with a particular point of view very alien from mine.  Usually anyway.  But this article is very good.  And insightful.  And thought provoking.  If you don't care about this stuff, then you can move on.  But if this complex issue is somewhat discomfiting, vaguely disturbing, and you're scratching your head (like me) about how to respond and what to do, this article is another data point in trying to figure that out.

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