Saturday, May 7, 2016

Obama's Echo Chamber

Because the job is so big and so important, I like to think that when we elect a President we're electing a guy who not only politically has earned the votes of the voters, but substantially is able to do the job.  Part of that is not only putting in place policy positions and strategies to lead the country. A critical part of accomplishing those two important tasks, is to hire and surround yourself with smart, effective, ethical people who in actuality will lead and manage the administration.

As I've watched Obama over the last 7 years, I've been amazed at the cast of characters he has chosen to surround himself with and their lack of the characteristics tradtionally expected of people working at those levels.  Now I know that many will decry the same thing in other administrations, but for me Obama has taken this to a new low level.

You can go down the list.  At the top is certainly Valerie Jarrett.  Susan Rice is certainly near the top, as is Hillary.  But you get quickly to an inexperienced, highly political, and arrogant group who have amazingly thin resume's.  Which brings me to a piece in The New York Times Magazine this week about Ben Rhodes, the knucklehead who is the Deputy National Security Advisor.  Put simply, this guy is a slime.  I've watched him over the years and couldn't believe he had such power and now this article exposes him for what he is.  He is a liar, a boob, and is clearly willing to do and say anything to promote his boss.  You can read a good summary of the article with a lot of links to other critique's here.  Read the Powerline article and follow the links to both the NYT Magazine article and others, especially by a guy I really respect, Max Boot.  That Rhodes is holds such an important position is just supremely disappointing.

More of these kinds of articles will emerge now that Obama is in the twilight of his Presidency.  It's been a disaster.  And knowing who has facilitated the disaster at least gives us some insight into why.

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