Wednesday, January 31, 2018

What Were They Thinking?

Check that.  I know what they were thinking.  They were thinking...Fuck You, Trump.  And no matter what he said.  No matter what kind of hand he extended across the aisle.  No matter how many tear-jerking stories he told.  No matter if he invoked the flag, veterans, motherhood and apple pie, they were still going to say Fuck You, Trump.  

But here's the problem, it's like they have been drug way over to the left by special interest factions.  They don't seem to have learned one little thing from the best politician in the last several decades who is one of their own.  Bill Clinton triangulated.  He flexed.  He sold his soul to get what he wanted.  And in doing so he achieved what they all ultimately want to achieve.  Power.  So if they think their little band of oddballs can carry the day, I'm afraid they've got another think coming.  Of course, I could be wrong.  Maybe they'll muster all the oddballs to vote.  Maybe they'll have some humongous turnout that will upset everything.  But I'm not so sure.

Here's the moment it became clear to me that Trump is a mean hombre and isn't backing down.  When he was in that meeting that was televised and the media fawned all over him being able to run a meeting, he said something that a lot them either missed or glossed over.  They were talking about taking heat.  He said, "give me the heat.  I will take the heat.  I've had heat my whole life.  I like the heat."  And I think he does.  So while they whine and moan and cowtow to some of the most vile humans in our midst, he will say right back at them...Fuck You, Democrats.

Stand by.  The ride has been bumpy so far.  If you've got a seat belt, you might want to cinch it down.

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