Saturday, February 22, 2020

Trump or ?

Now that herd has been somewhat culled, we have Iowa (the fiasco) and New Hampshire behind us, and we're staring at Super Tuesday it seems like a good time to make what will probably periodic statements about the crazy political environment we find ourselves in.

First Trump.  I wasn't a supporter but I've come to admire his tenacity.  I mean, he gets the shit beat out of him and his family every day and he wakes up in the morning, puts his pants on and hits it again.  I admire his wife even more.  No way she deserves the treatment she gets.  No need to recount 2016 and the last three years.  As in any three year period, there have been ups and downs.  And everyone's perspective will be different depending on their circumstances.  It's the classic "where you stand depends on where you sit".  From my perspective, while there have been some episodes I don't like and his personality and arrogance sometimes makes me cringe, I'm a supporter.  The economy is racing along, unemployment is at all time lows especially for minorities, he is executing historic trade deals, his administration has eliminated thousands of burdensome regulations, and our standing in the world from a national security perspective has been dramatically improved.  He is holding allies accountable and demanding they pay their fair share and he is working towards disengaging from the endless wars we've found ourselves in in the Middle East.  He is working toward establishing and implementing a coherent immigration system.  Not perfect, but workable.  There are more but these come to mind.  And all of this amidst the cockamamie 3-year Russia investigation, the pointless impeachment, and the relentless ad hominem attacks.  It's been pretty unprecedented and brutal, but he seems to just keep going.  More about this below.

Trump stimulates the most outrageous and agitated responses in his detractors and these attitudes seem to multiply as they get disseminated.  The idea that the President would go directly to the people on social media is abhorrent to them.  But they don't realize or recognize that the conventional media in no way gives him a fair shake.  Virtually everything he does or any action he takes is met with derision from the media and spun to his detriment.  The media never, and I mean never, uses adjectives that aren't extreme to describe Trump.  He's not angry or mad or disappointed, he's furious.  He's not strategic or tactical, he's chaotic.  I don't think it would be possible for anyone to be as bad as they make him out to be and still draw so many supporters.  So that in turn causes people to go to their corners and the cycle just grows.  Those that hate him usually fall into two camps.  The Democrats, which is understandable (although the level of hate isn't understandable).  These people have a seething hate.  A monumental hate that is difficult to understand.  They have a hatred that results in them spouting myriad "statistics" and "facts" about Trump that have been fed to them by the media that hates him.  Who hasn't heard some hateful Dem use unbelievable language about Trump, regurgitate the 16,000 lies myth, pronounce him guilty of rampant mysogyny, confidently state that he is a racist despite all evidence to the contrary, accuse him of massive tax cheating with no evidence and so many other dastardly deeds.   They seem to have lathered themselves into a place that I'm not sure is that easy to come back from.  The most telling thing about the character of these people will be 2024.  Because there will be two traditional opponents.  If we can't get back to civility then, I fear it's gone forever.  And the Republicans/Independents who are proudly never-Trumpers.  They seem to take this position because they don't like the way he acts, that he's not "Presidential", that he is ethically challenged.  Okay...I get that.  But a couple things come to mind.  I'm not sure the never-Trumpers have a clear understanding of history.  I'm not sure they have looked at other Presidents and realized their faults and foibles.  True, Trump's are much more "out there" and visible, but is that because we have a hostile media vs. a protective media?  Don't know but I suspect if the onion was peeled in a time when the 24-hour news cycle (really the 4 hour news cycle) wasn't omnipresent they'd find some pretty significant warts on a lot of our Presidents.  The other thing that perplexes me is their single-mindedness without thinking about the alternatives.  Which brings me to the Democratic field.

First is Bernie.  Because he is the scariest.

But before that let me categorically state that whoever wins in November will be my President.  If it's someone from the other side, I'll have to grit my teeth, but that's the way our system works.   I'll be opposed and hopeful that their radical ideas will be thwarted by the brilliant checks and balances our founders implemented but it will depend upon the election.  I don't think it'll happen, but if it does, it will four years of loyal opposition.  The other thing I want to make clear before mentioning candidates from the other side is that these are my opinions.  This is my blog and I can say whatever the hell I want.  If you have another opinion, great.  But you're not going to change my mind.  If we were in a bar having a political discussion over beers, you wouldn't change my mind.  So don't think it's going to happen here.  And it's not going to happen on social media.  So don't wast your time.

So back to Bernie.  I wrote a post about him a while back and you can read it here.  I haven't changed my mind.  I still believe he is a great and existential threat to our country and way of life.  Certainly he's a bigger threat than Russia.  In short term he's a bigger threat than China.  In so many ways, his Presidency would be a disaster.  The only glint of hope are checks and balances.  But we'll see.  But let me give a bit of full disclosure.  In 1971, when I was a college student and young and stupid, I campaigned for George McGovern.  In fact both my future wife and I walked door to door for him.  Here's the deal.  At that time I, like so many other Americans had come to believe that the Vietnam Was was immoral and a tragic waste of lives.  McGovern promised to get us out and I bought the line.  But I wasn't thinking about much else.  There's an old saying that if you're not a liberal when you're twenty you have no heart, and if you're not a conservative when you're forty, you have not brain.  I've obviously matured since then but the point is that I understand the draw of Bernie to young, impressionable voters.  But I don't understand the draw to anyone who has any understanding of history or economics.  I don't think he can win a national election, but I thought the same thing about Trump.  So we'll see.  But no matter what, I think he's a huge threat to our country.

Warren.  I will refrain from all the name calling and characterizations.  But she has two huge problems.  First, her proposals are unbelievably radical and outside the mainstream.  She latches onto causes like a bulldog and can't/won't let go.  And most of the issues are of little interest to the average American.  Her other big problem (and maybe bigger than the first) is that she is just so unlikable.  Don't think she's reached Hillary level yet, but close.  She's just so icky.  And phony.  And myopic.  I don't see her with a  ghost of a chance.  I think she'll be gone after super Tuesday.  And good riddance.

Biden.  What is there to say.  He's old, tired, cranky, corrupt and wrong.  Wrong on so many things.  Famously he's been wrong on every national security issue since he started his political career.  He's got a ton of vulnerabilities and doesn't seem to connect.  The only good news about Biden is that he's been around long enough and is pragmatic enough to tack back to the middle once he wins the nomination.  But he ain't gonna win.  Here's all you need to know.  Where's Barrack?  If he was the guy, Barrack would  be on the stump.  He's done after super Tuesday.

Mayor Pete.  Young, photogenic, hip, veteran, gay, smart, business experience.  What's not to like.  Except that it's starting to be obvious that he's an inch deep and a mile wide.  It turns out that you really do need experience to be elected President.  His experience as the mayor of the 4th largest city in Indiana isn't gonna cut it.  Maybe someday, not today.  His star will sink fast.  He may last past super Tuesday, but at some point he'll run out of money and supporters.

Amy.  I like Amy.  I do.  I could see her as President.  She's smart and politically savvy and pretty gutsy.  And I think she'd shed some of her more radical ideas if she were to get the nomination.  But her traction is isolated and sporadic.  She can't hold the audience.  Bottom line is that she'd be a reasonable occupant of the White House and could bring people together.  But her attraction, experience and funding is waning.  I think she'll be a strong consideration as VP for whoever gets the nod.  

Bloomberg.  Not my cup of tea.  Haven't ever really liked him.  Seems too cold and calculating.  He finally tore it with me in the debate when he said in his closing, "this is a management job".  Breathtaking misunderstanding of the job.  He thinks he can buy the election and I think he's wrong.  He got in too late and the only way he gets the nod is that the DNC steals it from Bernie.  That could easily happen and he could be the guy.  But there would be hell to pay inside the Dem world.  This one is too difficult to call.  By all accounts he should be done in one to two months.  But the unknown is how much the Dem establishment is terrified of a Bernie nomination.  

Steyer.  The ultimate angry man.  His hatred for Trump is palpable.  He's another rich guy trying to choose his battlegrounds not understanding that is a steep hill to climb.  And I don't think many folks have won things with the fundamental key of their message is hatred of someone else.  I can't see it.  I can't see that in a national election, we'd be voting for someone to vote against someone.  But that's just me.

Are there others?  Yeah, but no-one who matters.  It's a crazy election year and I've never seen the country more polarized.  It will be an interesting few months and my fervent hope is that whoever wins in November can count on the support of all Americans.  I'm not optimistic but that's my hope.  We'll see.

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