Thursday, May 1, 2014

Sez Me

It just keeps getting worse.  It's bad enough that he has flat lined the economy.  It hugely disappointing the he hasn't lived up to being the role model so many expected.  Its been predictable that taking over one-fifth of the economy would be hopelessly mired in the quagmire of breathtaking bureaucracy.  It's vaguely surprising that while the beginning was filled with such promise of high principles, he has dived to new depths when it comes to politicizing EVERYTHING!  But the worst is the dismantling of our foreign policy and the destroying of our place in the world.  And that piece is really scary.  And I won't even reference Benghazi.  That despicable failure of our government is beyond comprehension.  I've written about it previously and just don't have the energy to get into it again.  There are a few commentators and analysts on the national scene that routinely make sense.  I think one of them is Charles Krauthammer.  His column this week hits the nail squarely on the head regarding the disastrous and dangerous national security failures of this President.  You can read it here.  It seems that most won't care or will have their head in the sand.  Don't let that be you.  Elections are coming.  Remember what he said 5 years ago.  Elections have consequences.  Boy do they ever!

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