Friday, September 9, 2016


Well, well, seems that the criminal may not be waltzing to the coronation after all.  I guess she and her sycophants are learning that once the lies start, it becomes pretty difficult to keep up the facade.  Even with the FBI, the press and the DOJ on her side, she is struggling.  It is certainly going to be an interesting 60 days or so.

I've mentioned several times in this space that I'm not a Trump guy.  He wasn't my choice.  Or even second, third, fourth, etc.  But he is what we have, so my belief is that the never-Trumpers need to get over it and get onboard.  It's a simple question.  A criminal or a jackass.  I'll take the jackass every time.

One of the things about Trump and his various pronouncements that continue to interest me is just how much the press, the "elites" (and if you want to read a dynamite article about the so-called elites, go here), and even the public in general view everything Trump says through a lens that is colored by literal translation.  Folks, he's a businessman, a showman, a personality...he is not a politician.  He has a tendency to both generalize on topics that politicians can drone on and on about for hours and make comments as if he's at a cocktail party and no one will take him seriously.  To me, it's obvious that some of his statements are not meant to be taken literally, but those against him jump all over him for exactly the words he says.  I don't know why he hasn't learned that he will be taken out of context and his words will be parsed without nuance, but he hasn't.  Or maybe he has, and he just doesn't give a shit.  Probably the latter.

A good example is the latest flap about Putin.  You heard him "praising" Putin as a good leader and appreciated Putin saying he is brilliant.  So now the press and the Dems are jumping all over him for being an admirer of and liking Putin.  No.  That's not it.  I'm almost positive that what he meant is that in the system in which he lives, which is not one that we admire or would accept, Putin has moved his people in a certain direction.  They have emerged from the chaos that came after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and they are stronger and more respected than previously.  And when he is compared to Obama, he is clearly a better leader.  The only thing Obama has done is continually divide the population against each other and bribe those on the lower end of the economic spectrum so that they stay where they are and become bitter.  So has Putin been a better leader than Obama?  Yes.  But here's what Trump didn't say.  I bet Trump believes he will have credibility, he will work with and challenge Putin, and he will go toe to toe with him.  We may do some things cooperatively, and we may be on opposite sides of some things.  But we will have a level of respect that doesn't exist today.  And that's because Obama has led the U.S. to a retreat in the world.  Simple as that.

There are a lot of other examples where the press and the Dems are looking for something Trump says in order to jump on him.  And it will happen again.  But here's my advice.  Don't fall for it.  Try and determine what he really means.  And then maybe you will be able to NOT count yourself as one of the lemmings who walked off the cliff and voted for the criminal.

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