It's that time again. Resolutions. Hate em or love em, everyone seems to make them. And despite best intentions, they are usually on the ash heap of history by the end of January. But having said that here we go again. But first, a review of last year.
Weight and exercise: Perpetual resolution. Gotta keep poking away at it. Did pretty good in both. Dropped about 20 lbs at the end of the summer. Have kept about half off. Need to hit it again. With the new dog, the exercise is built in. She's a Lab so needs a lot of walking. We average walking her about 5 miles at least 3 days a week.
Get back on the bike: This will happen. No excuses. And with getting rid of some other things, think I'll have more time for it. Key is moderation. Nope. Didn't do it. A couple of bad accidents in the area gave me pause. It also takes a lot of time. But I'm hoping to get back out in 2018.
Guitar: If anyone in the San Diego area knows a guitar instructor shoot me a note. Nope. Miserable failure. The guitar is gathering dust.
Rotary: I've been elected as President of my club to start in July. I really like Rotary and am honored that the club has seen fit to elect me President. I'm going to put a lot of my energy into doing the best job possible. We have a great club and I'd like to do my part to make it better. Pretty good success. It has been a great first half of my Presidency. I'm having fun and I think the members would agree. And I hope I'm living up to this year's theme..."Making a Difference".
Social media: I need to reduce my participation in social media. It's sort of addictive. So on FB, Twitter and the like I'm going to try and just be an observer. I'll reduce my presence and I hope thereby reduce my participation. We'll see how it goes. And it might result in paying more attention to the blog. Who knows? Mixed success. Up and down throughout the year. My activity really depended upon seeing something that stimulated me to respond. And unfortunately in our world today, there was a lot of that!
And that's it. I tend to get ambitious and declare too many. So I'm going to do something a bit different. Instead of specific items that I'll probably lose focus on a few weeks after the year starts, I'm going to try and pick just a few things I need to do better in my life. Check back next year to see how it went.
Make other people feel good: As I grow older, I am aware that old dudes can get a bit...curmudgeonly (not sure if that's a word but you know what I mean). I don't want to be that guy. My Dad was that guy. So I'm going to really try and look at all sides of every issue. I'm going to be open to new thoughts and opinions. Of course, I still have some pretty strong opinions on things that I think are logically thought out so this could be difficult. As I go through the year though I'm going to give it a go.
Slow down: I'm pretty busy for a retired dude. I need to focus a bit more on what and who is really important in my life. And let the rest go. As the saying goes...life is short, make the most of it.
Exercise: Nothing here about specific exercise or losing a specific amount of weight. I just want to keep moving and enjoying what I'm doing. Whether it's golf, walking the dog, getting on the bike, or a brisk walk at the beach, I will try to inject some activity in my daily routine every day. Of course, there are some days when ya just gotta veg!
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