Saturday, November 24, 2018

A Bounty of Riches

I don't know...maybe it's the time of year.  Maybe it's that I'm getting older and more appreciative.  Maybe experience teaches us something.  Lately, I've been almost overcome several times by things that are just routine.  Today we had to go to the grocery store for some items, and while walking up and down the aisles, the goods on the shelves almost took my breath away.  I mean, literally there is no other place on the planet that have the routine, normal, everyday "stuff" that we have.  We had to go to Costco for some things and once again walking up and down the aisles was almost overwhelming. Where else is this replicated?  I've been around the world to almost every conceivable modern city and desperate shithole (yes...they do exist).  Everywhere has stores and economies that support the population, but nowhere has the consistent bounty of riches available to anyone who walks in the door.

And then I turn on the TV or search the Internet and see the hate and discontent.  Everyone is at everyone's throat.  Political disagreements become mortal wars.  One comment can make the Twittisphere explode.  Insults are common.  And yet...we can do that.  We are free to do that.  And the truth is that in the general population it isn't as bad as the media makes it out to be.  In the history of mankind, this experiment called America is unique in allowing all kinds of dissent.  I was discussing this with my 8th grade Granddaughter and the more I talked the more I realized (and I hope she realized) that recognizing that citizens have God-given rights is just so unique.  And precious.  I hear everyday people lamenting that the country is going to hell.  But as long as we have that Constitution and adhere to it's principles, we'll be okay.

Especially as the economy improves, I see opportunities increasing for everyone.  I know there is still desperate poverty and crime and haves and have nots.  But the guarantee that the country gives to every citizen, an opportunity, is becoming more of a reality for more people.  There is no guarantee of success but there is a guarantee of opportunity.  As long as we can expand opportunity, people can achieve better circumstances.  The hallmark of every generation in America has been for people to improve their lives through seizing opportunities so that the next generation will have a better life.  I think we're seeing this continuing.

So don't get me wrong.  Problems abound.  Issues are polarizing.  Poverty and racism is still too common amongst our citizens.  Violence is too pervasive in squashing dissent.  But, for me anyway, the good news vastly outweighs the bad.  And if you look around, you might feel the same.

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