Wednesday, December 5, 2018

President George H.W. Bush Funeral

It's been a special week.  As Americans we bicker and fuss and hate on each other constantly.  The political partisanship is almost intolerable.  Most of us who call ourselves moderates become sick and frustrated with it.  That's why the week has been special.  The death of President Bush has served to bring people together, even for a short time.  America has had 45 Presidents.  45 in 242 years!  When they die the country always comes together.  I remember when Reagan died the majesty and ceremonies were awesome.  Maybe because we've become so polarized and partisan, when a President dies, the bipartisanship seems even more special.  Add in that President Bush was probably the most decent man to hold the office in most of our lifetimes, and you get something to remember.

If you didn't see the funeral today at the National Cathedral, you missed an amazing event.  It was, quite simply the most beautiful, majestic, moving and fitting ceremony I've ever seen.  Ever!  I can't even describe all of the facets of the day, but it was truly special.  Maybe you don't have a couple hours to watch a replay, but the eulogies and homily are certainly worth some part of your time.  They all were magnificent.  So I'll link them here.

Historian John Meacham 

Former Canadian PM Brian Mulroney

Senator Alan Simpson

President George W. Bush

And here is the homily given by Father Levinson.  It was amazing!

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