Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Imperative to Return

It's been a month and I admit it.  I've missed it.  I've missed commenting, ranting, providing some fun, being a bit outrageous, and just generally venting on this blog.

One reason I'm returning is that I've realized it's a great place to voice my thoughts and comments and not inflict them on people in general.  While I was not blogging, I had a tendency to provide comments on Facebook that...ahem...weren't necessarily appreciated by all.  My Son helped me see that.  And that's being kind.  I think it was something like, "stop posting on Facebook and get back on your blog"!  Okay...I get it.  Not everyone agrees with me (in fact most probably don't) and not everyone cares what I have to say (in fact most probably don't).  And over on Facebook, if someone gets upset by something you post they'll either engage in a Facebook war, which I'm really not interested in or hide/unfriend me, which makes me sad.  So I'm back.

The good news is that I've collected a few things over the last month for posting.  Some are funny.  Some are poignant.  Some are maddening.  All are typical of what I've posted over the last 5 years.  BTW, I've taken a few minutes to update the look.  Hope you like it!

In that vein, here's a recent Dilbert (one of my favorites) that sort of hits the nail on the head for a lot of folks.  Not me...but a lot of folks.  But I try really hard not to be this guy.

But I am still the guy that appreciates a pretty girl.  I've posted a few photos like this previously.  I usually get in trouble when I do...but oh well.  This seems like a fitting way to mark my return!


STS said...

Glad you are back!

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back! Hope you enjoyed your break. Chris Lape