Thursday, May 14, 2020

Socially Distancing

With almost 3300 posts covering almost 8 years, it's time to...socially distance.  There is just so much vitriol in the public discourse, that I find myself not wanting to contribute to it.  It's just so tiresome.  So I'll be here, watching to see if there is something that either (1) pisses me off to such a degree that commenting is irresistible or (2) is a compelling issue that I have some strong feelings about.  Don't know when or how that might happen, but for now I'm in the watch and wait mode.  For anyone reading or who has read these meandering thoughts, thanks for being part of the tribe.

Update:  So it turns out I was wrong.  There is just too much going on and I have too much time on my hands to retreat.  So disregard this post.  I'm still here.

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