Sunday, November 15, 2020

It's Getting Embarrassing

The election is over.  Done.  Finished.  Determined.  And that Trump won't concede is getting more embarrassing and in fact appalling by the day.  Calling it a rigged election, whining that his observers didn't get to observe, and sulking in your corner is just one more item in the four year history of items that have been embarrassing and cringe worthy.  It's un-American and small.  Period.  

Here's the deal.  Like everything else, you can find info on any website or news site that caters to your beliefs to confirm what you think.  But if you make a half assed attempt to find an unbiased and fair analysis, you can't come to any other conclusion than Biden won.  Fair and square.  And it wasn't that close.  In fact, it'll be just about the margin that Trump won in 2016.  And I've said this before but I believe it more and more with each passing day.  Trump lost to...Trump.  He lost because there were a ton of people who liked his policies but were embarrassed and exhausted by his by his actions, tweets and abrasive manner.  Simple as that.  They held their nose and voted for Biden because they yearned for some form of normalcy.  

Now we need to watch the Senate races in Georgia.  If the Republicans keep control of the Senate then what comes in the next 4 years won't be nearly as bad as it could've been.  So let's see how that goes and then start watching or gnashing our teeth.

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