Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Epic Staff Failure

Robio's response was pretty good.  At least I thought so.  Certainly was better than the fantasyland speech (I'm being nice) given just prior.  But in the near term (it won't matter in the long run) it was overshadowed by "Watergate 2013"

This was gross failure by his staff.  In what universe does the guy who is the rising star of his party who is giving a nationally televised speech not have a glass of water within easy reach?  I had a stint as a Flag Aide a few (many) years ago.  I shudder to think what would have happened if I had failed so dramatically.

I'd also like to rail on and on about the media making such a big deal about it.  But...sigh...i dont have the energy.  I will point out the most egregious episode.  CNN actually mused about it being a career-ender.  They wish!

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