Saturday, February 9, 2013

Speaking Truth

Saw an interesting editorial in the WSJ this morning.  It was a short description of a speech by Dr. Benjamin Carson at the National Prayer Breakfast.  You can read it here.   Really liked some of the points he made.  So I got intrigued and searched out the speech on YouTube.  Wow.  This guy is the real deal!  As much as I liked the speech though, I also really liked to see Obama squirming, stretching, not applauding with everyone else, checking his Blackberry...anything but pay attention to what was a brilliant indictment on his policies and his terrible strategy of pitting Americans against each other.  When I see things like this, it gives me hope.  Maybe people will start towake up and see him for what he is.  It's almost like a dim light is shining and it's slowly getting brighter.  Or maybe I'm just hopelessly naive...

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