Friday, November 7, 2014

Do You Think...

That maybe, just maybe, we're starting to get beyond the divisive politics of the last 6 years.  We've been enduring the politics of division for so long that it seems like we've just gotten used to it.  But maybe the results of the election this week will start to point us as a society and people back to our roots.  Back to what we are meant to be.

I was struck this morning while attending my Grand Daughter's assembly at their elementary school as the student body recited the pledge of allegiance.  "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the Untied States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."  Those words are so powerful.  We are not a nation that is bound by tribal loyalties.  We are not a nation that has a bloodline that we need to revere.  We are not a nation that has a history of a geographical dedication.  There are no Kings or Princes that command our fealty.  No, we are a nation bound to an ideal.  We pledge allegiance to an idea.  The grand idea.  That of liberty.  No where else is it so fundamental or so powerful.  We've gotten away from that in the last six years as our leaders have divided us.  They've tried to put us into groups that are pitted against each other.  Blacks, whites, northerner, southerners, westerners, Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Atheists, hispanics, women, men, gays, etc, etc, etc.  It's total BS.  We are Americans.  And no matter where we live or what we believe, we need to embrace the unity that binds us together.

I think that the elections this week might just be a start.  No matter where you looked, the politics of division were repudiated.  People who embraced Obama, the head divider, were thrown our or not reelected.  The whiners and dividers were sent packing.  Now I don't for a minute think that the battle is over, but this was sure a good start.  Gaining the power of control of Congress is huge.  When BO and his ilk try to put forward policies that will do nothing but divide us, now hopefully we will see credible resistance.   Only time will tell, but this was a good week for America.  A very good week.

1 comment:

Tara Pritchett said...

All three of our girls say the Pledge every single day. Pretty cool!