Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Elections Matter

So today was a good old fashioned ass-whipping by the Republicans.  By any measure this was a wave election that swept them into power.  They are stronger in the House.  They gained control of the Senate.  They picked up a large number of Governorships.  This last thing will be decisive in 2016.  If you're a Republican, you're riding high.

So now what?   I've been listening to all the talking heads on various channels and they are falling all over themselves talking about how the Republicans can now force an agenda.  They can now get something done.  They can do this, and they can do that, and they can move things forward.  I'm not sure what planet they are living on, but all of their analysis and predictions assume that Obama wants any of this.  I'm not buying it.  I don't think he cares one lick about what they want.  I don't think he cares one lick what Americans want.  It's his way or the highway.  He not only has no desire to compromise, he doesn't know how.  His record of reaching out to Congress is nonexistent.  I hope I'm wrong.  I hope they get together and get some stuff done.  But I don't think so.

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