Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Epic Fail

You know what I'm talking about.  That the Republicans can't get anything done on repealing and replacing Obamacare despite the promises of the last 8 years is nothing short of unbelievable.  I won't list or debate the merits of all the options and alternatives because not being able to get this done overshadows whatever might be in the final bill.  They have to be embarrassed and ashamed.  Oh wait...what am I thinking?  They are politicians.  They clearly don't give a shit.

Choosing health care as the signature issue to fight for was as just stupid.  They had to know this was going to happen.  In their dark little secret place, they had to know that this was going to happen. These assholes talk about doing their best for "the American people".  Please.  They don't give a shit about the American people.  And anyway, when we talk about this health care issue, we're only talking about 20 or 30 million people.  Not small by any means, but not a huge number of people.  They act as though this is something that if it doesn't get done it will impact every living, breathing American.  Once again...bullshit.

So now I think we have come to a point in the country that there are really 4 main political parties.   There are the conservative Republicans.  There are the moderate to liberal Republicans.  There are the traditional progressive liberal Democrats and the far left Bernie Democrat Socialists.  Of course there are few others like the Libertarians but they are usually pretty small groups.  So each of the Congressmen or Congresswomen or Senators identifying with one of those groups.   Instead of having to deal with and compromise between two factions, we now have four.  That is damn near impossible.  There are two things that motivate most of these assholes on capital hill.  I bet you thought I was going to say power and influence, or some such nonsense.  No...what motivates them is anything that might hamper their ability to get reelected and the money they need to get reelected.  It has become nauseating to listen to them bloviate on and on and on when they get a microphone stuck in their face.  So I no longer listen.  These guys are assholes!

All I've got to say is that they better get something done on infrastructure and tax reform, or they are dead meat.  People are pissed now because the Republicans are so stupid, but they'll be really pissed if they are unable to get one thing done.

The media (another bunch of assholes) have said blamed Trump for not trying hard enough to influence Congress.  That is clearly bullshit.  He has cajoled, met with them, compromised, wined and dined and everything short of begging and they have essentially flipped him off.  So if I were him I'd walk away.  Let them fend for themselves.  Get what you can done, done.  Don't aim too high because you now know you're dealing with a bunch of spineless assholes.  And it doesn't look like it's going to get any better.

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