Monday, October 16, 2023


The news out of Israel this morning continues to be gruesome.  It's difficult to turn on any news source or peruse social media and not be inundated by highly emotional and heart wrenching stories of the massacre last week.  And now the impending ground invasion of Gaza after days of bombing preparation is coming.  It's going to be ugly.  It's street to street, house to house, alley to alley fighting to try and root out the hideous monsters that are Hamas.  Probably an impossible task but given what has gone on in the last few weeks it is inevitable.  That there will be large scale loss of life on both sides is a given.  The best we can do is to pray for a rapid resolution and minimal loss of life.  But I'm afraid in looking at it today that is not likely.

This elevated situation has brought a lot of questions about the history of the region and how we got to this point.  There are those in my family who know very little about and it has sparked a conversation about all the intricacies of the region.  I've forwarded a few articles that seem pretty reasonable in their explanations while trying to paint a balanced picture.  Because there is plenty of blame to go around.  My son-in-law forwarded the video below to me that he has used to talk to his kids.  While no article, no video, no story telling will get it all right, although simplistic, I think this is pretty close.  It takes about 10 minutes to view it.  Well worth your time.

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