Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Believability.  It's fundamental.  The more I hear about the sordid affair surrounding the accusations against Brett Kavanugh, the more believability takes a hit.  I know many think the women should be automatically believed.  I know that many think the burden is on Kavanaugh to prove his innocense.  And I know that the most fervent hope of Democrats is that he will drop out.  To all that I say BULLSHIT!  It's a coordinated and despicable smear.  Plain and simple.  I think the best thing I've seen on this is here.  It's not long and reflects my total thinking.  Read it all.  I don't know what's going to happen.  I could see a couple of the weaker Republicans caving to pressure.  And shame on them because as sure as anything, they know it's a smear job on a fine man.

And one more thing.  If this doesn't bring out the Republicans to vote in the mid-terms, I don't know what will.

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