Monday, August 12, 2019

Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin

I'm a bit of a modern history geek.  I am fascinated by the 19th and 20th centuries and how the miasma of nations, systems, and populations have meshed together (or sometimes not meshed together) to create our world today.  For a while the Civil War captured me like nothing else and I couldn't get enough of studying that cataclysmic event.  But other things have prompted questions, reading and contemplation.  One event that routinely captures my attention is World War II, the event that had the greatest impact on our civilization in the 20th century.

Recently a friend sent me a link to a panel discussion in which three world class historians discuss Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin in World War II.  They provide fascinating insight into the relationship between these three leaders, their thinking on strategy, and their ultimate impact.  Let me emphasize that this is only of interest to a certain segment of our society, but if you're into this stuff this video is well worth 75 minutes of your time.  So many in society don't have an appreciation of history nor an understanding.  There's not much I can do about that but perhaps this little video will spark an interest in a few to dig deeper.

1 comment:

Mark Burgunder said...

Excellent Discussion. Thanks for sharing.