Monday, August 19, 2019

Culture Warriors

Saw this quote the other day and it really resonated.  Wish I could remember where it came from but it has slipped from my memory.  Probably something like an article in the WSJ or something.  Anyway, I think it hits pretty close to the mark.  Most people are just going about their lives.  They are too busy trying to make a living, care for their families and enjoy a few moments of rest to give a shit about all the foolishness in the news.  Most pay attention and give issues a passing glance with either a nod or a shake of the head, but most aren't passionate one way or the other.
"But suburban Americans are not primarily culture warriors. In their communities, the screeds and screams of the Left do not reverberate. Suburban Americans tend to consider themselves socially conservative, but these issues do not make them passionate in one way or another. They may have not supported gay marriage, but they also did not really care when the Supreme Court imposed it. They may not support abortion rights, but they do not go vote to advance the pro-life cause. They may own guns and like to shoot, but they are not too worked up by politicians' seeking to make it harder for others to buy guns."
And then in church yesterday our Priest said something along the same lines.  When talking about social media and how we engage with each other, she said "when did it become so important for everyone to be right"?  Or words to that effect.  And she's right.  Social media exacerbates our attitudes and ideas and makes us want to take a stand.  At least I've seen that happen to a lot of people.  Take a little stroll around Twitter and you'll see what I mean.  That's why I sorta like my blog.  I can opine and pontificate and no one really cares.  Comment or not.  Agree or not.  I don't really care.  And I most likely won't get in an online argument with you.

So here's my advice when it comes to social media.  Chill out.  Be like a duck.  Water off your back.  Post photos of dogs and document the good times.  And if someone says something that is utterly stupid or naive in the extreme...wish them a good day!

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