Thursday, November 7, 2019

Impeachment...the Whistleblower Follies

It's all coming out isn't it?  I think maybe the Dems have watched a bunch of spy movies or read really clever and convoluted mystery books and think that's real life.  Maybe they think they can just conjure something up and throw it out there and enough people will believe it that the bullshit doesn't matter.  Same with all the so-called witnesses.  They troupe in to offer their opinion without one tiny smidgen of first-hand knowledge and the Dems and their sycophant media fall all over themselves proclaiming the certainty that heinous crimes have been committed that demand removal of the President from office.  If it wasn't so stupid and obvious and amateurish, it'd be hilarious.

So the whistleblower's identity is now known.  He's a 30ish Yale grad who is one of those dime-a-dozen professional staffers who will bounce around Foggy Bottom, Langley, the White House, maybe the Pentagon, perhaps Capital Hill and maybe even land a gig on K Street to make some money before returning to academia to poison the minds of your kids while you pay enormous amounts of money for the degree.  I've spent enough time in Washington, DC to spot them a mile away.  This guy is a big time Dem, he is a never-Trumper, is a hold-over from the Obama NSC, originally was from the State Dept which makes him superior to any other human being, has worked with Biden, Brennan, Clapper and some other slime buckets, and didn't actually witness, hear, have first hand knowledge of anything that Trump said.  And he was fired from the NSC because he was a leaker.  But he filed a whistleblower report.  YGTBFSM!  Any other human being would be embarrassed to be so stupid, but he's a swamp creature, so he's superior.  And what were the Dems thinking?  That he wouldn't be found out?  I don't even think they tried very hard.  I don't even think they thought about it.  Because they are so superior.

And then they decide to hold secret hearings and parade of a bunch of never-Trumper witnesses from State and NSC who also didn't have first hand knowledge of anything.  And their defense is that they are long time employees who are so superior or military officers who can't be challenged.  Please.  These folks had their storyline down and regurgitated it.  And it's already falling apart.  And they haven't even faced any tough questioning.  At least I don't think they have but since the hearings are secret, who knows.  And the Dems thought this would work.  I mean, they gotta start thinking a little better.

So then they set the rules for the impeachment.  I get that the majority makes the rules and in any normal circumstance likes to fuck the minority as badly as they can with no mercy.  But this is an impeachment.  It's like they aren't even aware of what they are doing.  If whatever they do isn't bipartisan they are going to get their lunch handed to them.  They don't even seem aware that a U.S. President has never been removed from office through impeachment.  If a monumental racist prick like Andrew Johnson couldn't be removed, how do they expect Trump to be removed for what he is accused of.  Let me be clear in my opinion.  The quid quo pro argument is bullshit.  It's a talking point.  Diplomacy is the definition of quid pro quo's.  You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.  And as Trump likes to say, read the transcript.  He was looking for help in finding and rooting out corruption in the 2016 election.  And the Biden's were hip deep in it.  The whole withholding of money is also bullshit.  They didn't even know.  The Dems act like this is something that they can control and the other side is going to roll over and ask for more.  But here's the deal.  Trump and his team have some really smart lawyers.  It's not gonna be pretty.

And they issue subpoenas like candy and expect that the executive branch is going to meekly send people up to testify.  And Trump basically tells them to shove their subpoenas up their ass.  I'm not a lawyer, but this could get tied up in courts for months and months and months.  But the Dems don't want that so they just roll over.  I think their tactic is to lump all the refusals together and charge Trump with obstruction.  Good luck with that.  Obstruction of a witch hunt isn't such a bad thing.  And the Dems will never let it get to a court because of how long it will take.  So they are screwed.

The Dems are screwing up big time.  They have no viable Presidential candidates, they are pursuing impeachment of a President based on hearsay and innuendo, their witnesses are easily discredited, they are opening the door for Trump's lawyer to dredge up an incredible amount of dirt, and they will run out of time.  If they are smart, they will decide they overreached and figure out a face saving story on why they are abandoning the impeachment effort.  But as I said, I think they are a long ways from smart!

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