Thursday, November 7, 2019


I can't help it.  I really like Tulsi Gabbard.  I don't like some of her policies but I think she would be someone who would listen and take reasonable actions.  And she is a total badass!  When Hillary went after her she didn't flinch and grovel, she took the mad hag on.  And she did it intelligently, passionately, and devastatingly.  Same with the bitches on The View.  I know, I know...I can get in trouble with that language.  Or at least not be able to run for office.  But that's okay...I'm not remotely planning on that.  Anyway, I like her spunk.  I like her directness.  I like that she will talk to anyone including Fox News.  Now don't get me wrong, I probably couldn't vote for a Dem, but if I could she would be the one!

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