Thursday, December 20, 2012


The sad story of the Benghazi disaster has been ongoing for several months.  As I've posted previously here and several other times.  My point has consistently been to not focus on who said what in the aftermath.  I simply don't care.  But the response to pleas for help has been unacceptable.  Finally, we hear about the results of the investigation.  It seems pretty late but at least there are admissions of incompetence. People have been held accountable.  Some have lost their jobs.  And I think that is right.  The quote by William Burns says it all.
"We've learned some very hard, and painful lessons in Benghazi, and all are acting on them," said William Burns, deputy secretary of state, during testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. "We have to do better. We owe it to our colleagues who lost their lives in Benghazi."

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