Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Futile Effort

My drive downtown this morning to work as a Docent on Midway (which is a great gig by the way) happened to coincide with Donald Trump's announcement that he is running for President.  I was almost mesmorized by the arrogance.  I mean, this guy is beyond belief.  I think in another setting he could be mistaken for a political comedian.  Here's a bit of the video.

If you take the time to watch this you'll know what I mean.  He is obviously a supremely arrogant individual.  But you have to hand it to him, he is very successful.  And that has led to extreme wealth.  He makes the statement that he is really rich.  No kidding.  Net worth of $8 billion!  So he could finance his campaign with no help.  But why?  It seems his main platform is that he is good businessman and therefore could be a good negotiator for the U.S. against the Chinese and others.  Okay.  But that's not all the Presidency is.  He also says he'll rebuild the military.  Of course, the scary thing is that he rebuilds it and uses it willy nilly with no strategy.   And then there is immigration.  His solution is to build a huge fence.  Huh?  Been there, done that.  We need comprehensive immigration reform!  Period.  Not an executive order.  Not amnesty.  Not an open door.  But a strategy for the future.  He's not the guy to do it.  But here's what he is.  He is popular.  He immediately vaulted over some who have been in the race.  A lot of people like his audacity.  They like the whole self-made man thing.  They like that he is willing to take on the establishment.  So it will be interesting.  I don't think he is going anywhere, but he's in the race.  He will certainly make it more interesting.

Another thing he has is a beautiful family.  I've got to hand it to him.  They are a good looking crew.  But I'm not sure that is a necessary quality,

So here we are in 2015, heading to 2016 with over 10 Republican candidates.  It's a crowded field and the next weeks and months will see more getting in.  If you saw my post last week on Kasich you know he's my guy.  Maybe a long shot.  But I like him.  But if not him there are others I will support. Jeb would be good.  Rubio would be good.  I even sorta like and respect Florina.  Walker or Jindal I can live with.  The rest are a little bit too Tea Party-ish or, IMHO, not electable.  But they are all better than her highness.  So it should be interesting.

UPDATE:  Saw this article on Trump by P.J. O'Rourke tonight.  Classic.  P.J. has a way with words!  

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