Friday, June 26, 2015

Inevitable II

So the news of the day is the SCOTUS decision on gay marriage.  I've blogged about this previously. You can read it here.  I don't think my thoughts have changed much.  There are huge issues facing us so I'm happy that it's now behind us.  And I'm happy for all the folks that it will effect.  Good for them.  I've personally evolved to the point where this issue is, for me, really a non-issue.

I will say that from a Constitutional perspective, I don't really agree that the Federal govt has a say in this.  But I get the social imperative.  I get squinting real hard and using the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment as justification.  As I worries from me.  I just wish there could be more honesty.

UPDATE:  Frank Bruni's column in today's NYT says it all.  When you get to the personal level, there is really no choice.  You can read it here.

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